
Seven years ago today was hands down the *best* day of my life.  Skip came home safely today.  There is no better feeling in the world than when I finally got to hold him after all those months.  The joy, elation, and relief I felt were just indescribable. 

I will never forget those feeling and I will continue to honor this day every year for the rest of our lives..


  1. Thanks baby, you always make me feel like its veterans day! Love you!

  2. So sweet. I can't even imagine. So glad he made it home safety!!

  3. I love this post :) I love reading and watching people reunite with their family. When I go visit my mom in GA, we always sit so we're overlooking the escalators and watch all the military reunite with family.

    I have a video of my uncle coming home (not sure where he was years ago, I believe I was still a baby). He was flying the plane so he saw all his family waiting for him and knew where they were standing. Everyone was coming off the plane and shaking hands with everyone waiting for them but not my uncle. He ran down those steps, ran right around everyone, and came tearing at my family. I've watched that video more times than I can count but it makes me cry every single time.

  4. That must have been an incredible moment for you both. thank you skip for your service-- and mandy for being basically amazing!


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