I said Stand Down, not Stand Up

I've been struggling a bit to get out of this blogging funk I seem to be in.  But this morning I had grand plans to write this long, witty post about what's been going around here, and some updates on my ever-growing girls {how do I make that stop by the way, stop feeding them??} I never blogged about Baby C's nursery and I have some fun home-improvement projects I'm going to start soon and need to flush out some ideas on here.  But not only did I wake up with a head cold this morning, when I walked into Baby C's room this morning, this is what I was greeted with...

Umm, not cool baby girl.  You are only 8 months old!!!  I swear she will be running and talking in full sentences by her first birthday! 

So instead of blogging today I'll be up in her room wresting with a crib as I try and lower the mattress.  Good thing I have lots of this to help me get through the day.


  1. They grow up so fast!!! And my day never goes as planned - something always gets stuck in the giddy-up that sets me all off course. But as moms we can't let the normal-folk see that - so we drink our coffee & tea and make the best of it!

  2. Cant wait to see the room updates! We are redoing our kitchen right now and I was so excited for it... now??? ugh. Still not done and my house is a disaster! It will be worth it and pretty someday, right? RIGHT?! hehe

    and Baby C IS growing so fast!!!

  3. That face! And...I need to find me that creamer...

  4. You go girl. Kudos to you for lowering it yourself. I banished Evalyn to the play pen until Evan was home to lower it when she started pulling those crazy stunts!

  5. Is that creamer as good as it looks? Yorks are my fave.


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