Our Day of Love

I know a lot of you won't agree with me, but I LOVE Valentine's Day.  I always have and always will.  It's not because I need a day marked on the calender to remind me to love on my husband and family...trust me, I know how precious life is, I love on them every second possible.  But it's nice to have a day set aside to just focus on each other.  And I will take any excuse for a date night!

Skip and I actually went out to dinner the night before Valentine's Day....we didn't want to take my mom away from my dad on the actual day!  We went to a local steakhouse we'd never tried before.  I don't eat red meat, but the chicken was amazing...they also had the best onion rings I've ever had in my life! I like getting to try new places with Skip.  After dinner we stopped by our friends new house to check it out before heading home.  It was a much needed, long overdue night out with my man.

Dressed up for dinner!

How cute is my man...made a heart out of ribbon for my gift!
For the past few years, we have made Valentine's Day about Little M, and now Baby C too!  It's fun to get them a few treats, work on some crafts, and take her out for a special dinner.  The girls woke up that moring to some Valentine's Day door hangers and hearts and flower pieces all scattered between their bedrooms.  When they came downstairs we gave them a few trinkets I picked up at the Dollar Tree for them. 

We quickly had breakfast then had to get the girls dressed and ready to take Baby C to her 8 month doctor's appointment {my 18 lbs girl is totally healthy!} Afterwards it was home for lunch and naps.

For dinner we headed over to one of our local malls {and by one of, there are 3 in the same town...3} This is something we do pretty regularly with the girls.  If you have young kids that might not just sit quietly in restaurant, but you and the hubs want to go eat with them?  Go to the mall.  Seriously, will change your life.

First we took Little M to ride the merry-go-round.  She is obsessed with horses these days and so this is one of her most favorite things to do.  She made sure to ride Cindy, who is obvsiously the best horse ever {so says Little M}

After the merry-go-round we took the girls to the Disney store.  Little M loves everything about that place!  She just wants to run around and see and touch everything.  But she is also very good about not asking to buy things really, unless we tell her she is allowed to.  She looks at it more like a museum {which is perfect for us}  But since it was Valentine's Day she was able to pick out a little something for herself. 

It was just about dinnertime and so we headed up to the foodcourt.  That is why you need to go to the mall with your little family if you want to go out to eat.  It's cheap, eveyone can eat what they want, you can roll the stroller right up to the table, and it's always so noisy that fussy kids don't stick out.  It's seriously one of our favorite things to do.  I have even brought the two girls there myself for dinner before!  It may not have been the romantic evening most of you had planned, but it was fun and stress-free.

Happy meal time with her new Beauty and the Beast characters

Happy in her stroller!
By the time we got home it was bath and bedtime for the girls and then relaxing time for Skip and I.  With my two girls now, my heart is so full and I was so happy to get to shower them with love on Valentine's Day


  1. Now that sounds like the perfect valentine's day to me!!! I'm so glad you got your date night and a family night- the best of both worlds :) xoox

  2. Awww perfect Vday! YOu look beautyyyyful in your Vday outfit and of course the girls do too!

  3. We had a very atypical Valentine's Day too. But it was heart-filling for us as well!!

  4. I love the first paragraph. There was so much hate on valentines day on the blog world this year.

    I too, will always love v-day!


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