Counter Top Remodel

This is actually a project I worked on last summer, but I never got around to blogging about it.  Since we first moved into the house, one of the things I hated the most was the kitchen.  It's a good space, but definitely not my style.  But since everything had been put in brand new before we moved in, I could not justify spending money to replace it. 

But after a few years I just could not stand our counter tops anymore.  They were green and hideous and GREEN. 

I ideally want to put in quartz counter tops, with a subway tile back splash, and a deep new sink.  But none of that is in the budget.  But what is in the budget is this lovely box. 

I'll be honest, I was pretty intimidated by this project.  It was definitely the biggest project I had taken on to date...and the most expensive.  So I watched the video enclosed, read the directions about a million times, and finally got to work.

Let me tell you...this really wasn't that hard!  It took me only two nights to complete and the results really are fabulous.

It makes a huge difference {I'll be honest, I don't love the color with cabinets as much as I thought, but totally livable until I can buy that quartz....or paint my cabinets;-) }  You can also see that I ended up repainting the kitchen as well, from a pale yellow to a really pale grey.  Looks so much better overall!


  1. oh my goodness! My parents did the same thing to our countertops until my mom was about to pick out what she wanted! We loved it during the time being! Your countertops look GREAT!

  2. oh wow that looks great!wish they would come out with something like that for my white tile! I do want to do the transformation for my cabinets,some day :)

  3. That looks great! I've been thinking about doing it to my plain white counters but I was afraid it would be too difficult. It's good to know it's not so bad!

  4. You did a GREAT job!! I love the new colors!!


    oh and btw, I'm in the process of painting my kitchen cabinets and its torture. :) but looks better!!!


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