DIY Headboard

Today's house project was one of the easiest and biggest impact I did.  You need a little back story first.

Skip and I have never had a "real" bed since we got married.  The condo we lived in for the first three years of marriage was teeny tiny so we only had room for our queen sized mattress on the frame it came with.  We always said we'd get a real bed when we bought a house.

Well in May 2008 we finally bought our current house.  And while the master bedroom was indeed bigger, we still didn't buy a bed.  In fact we ended up not even using the bed frame anymore.  You see, Shiba {the dog we have that I hardly talk about} sleeps upstairs in our room.  And she would hide under the bed and attempt to bite you if you ever tried to get her out.  We tried putting things under the bed to block it off, but she still got under.  So putting our box spring and mattress straight on the floor was the best plan for now.  I felt very Asian with my bed choice.

See, not too weird looking

A few weeks ago we moved Little M into a twin bed.  She had been in her crib turned toddler bed since last year.  I would have originally moved her into a twin bed from her crib, but since it was a drop-side crib I didn't feel safe using it with Baby C when she came along.  Since I had to buy a whole new crib them, I didn't want to shell out the money for a twin bed too....I'm cheap like that.

But with Little M getting bigger, it was time for her to have a proper bed {she now sleeps in my own twin bed from when I was a fun!} So just after we got back from Florida, we took down the toddler bed and put up her new bed and mattress.  And you can bet I shed a few tears.  This was the first big piece of baby equipment that we bought when I was pregnant with Little M.  It's the bed I put my first sweet babe in.  I couldn't just throw it out. 

So I got an idea.  Armed with a few cans of spray paint I got to work.  I painted the largest portion of the bed and strategically wedged it behind our bed and the window.  It looked perfect! Skip and I may still have out box spring and mattress on the floor...but at least we have a headboard now!!


  1. LOVE IT! and so sentimental too :)

  2. I need to show this to my dad, show him how easy it is. They have never had a headbroad before, after 28 years of living in this house!

  3. It wouldn't be my personal choice, but I like the idea of the painted headboard, especially since it would be pretty simple and painless to switch, or remove by just painting over it.

    Toronto Painters


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