Happily Ever After

From the time we're born, it seems as though we're programed to always be working towards the next thing.  Middle school is prepping you for high school.  High school prepping you for college, military service, or a job.  Moving out, marriage, a career path, children.  Everyone has their own path to follow, but the overlying idea is that we should be always working towards the next thing, our next goal and milestone.

I was no exception to this.  My whole life I knew I wanted to graduate college, become a teacher, get married, and have babies.  Simple really.  And this past June completed those dreams for me.  I was a married, college grad, former-teacher, mother to two little girls.  We were settled in a house we can live in for many years to come and two fur babies running around completed the picture.  Everything I had ever wanted has come true.

But as I thought about it, I got kind of nervous.  I only know life as working towards the next thing.  Establishing goals and taking steps to get there.  But now what?  Unless life throws us a curve ball, {which I really hope it doesn't...please don't...knocking on wood a million times} this is it.  Would I get bored or restless only living in the now...not really needing to think about the future just yet?

Then I realized...my attitude shouldn't be this is it.  It should be, this is IT.  This is my happily ever after.  This is the life I have always dreamed of having.  I am so blessed with the gifts I have been given.  At only 29 I am perfectly happy, fulfilled, and content.  My life is truly everything I wanted it to be, and so so so much more.

I'm sure there will be many curve balls ahead and plans will change, but for now I'm going to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the view:)


  1. Perfectly said. I've felt this exact way this past year.

  2. Fabulous post! Look forward to all the wonderful milestones ahead for you, your husband and your girls. And I can tell you from experience - that looking forward to being a "Grandmom" some day is an experience not to be missed. Even better than I dreamed it would be!!

  3. This post was beautiful! I love that you have everything you wanted and that you can look at it and love it! What a wonderful feeling!

  4. Great post! Even though we hope to eventually make "baby" plural, I feel very contented with this stage of life. Enjoy!

  5. You just put into words something that's always on the back of my mind. I've always been a planner and right now I'm obsessing about baby #2 because it's just something else to "achieve." But, it's not in the same respect. I definitely need to stop and enjoy what we have right now:)

  6. Such a great post mama!!! I feel the same way on many occasions! I pray for no curve balls too!! Xo

  7. This is such a beautiful post... made me cry! Thanks for putting it in perspective. We're all so used to looking for the next thing that we can't enjoy the right now... which is pretty sweet!

  8. I love this post! It's so true! Sometimes I just get so caught up with everything going on and what we're supposed to do next! It's nice to be reminded to stop and enjoy the now!


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