I'm a Girl Mom

I'm totally late to the party, but today I'm liking up with Kelly for her Show Us Your Life series.  Today's {well, last Friday's} topic was moms of girls....how perfect for me!

If you're stopping by from SUYL, my name is Mandy and I have two sweet little girls.

Little M is three.

Baby C is almost 10 months.

And since Baby C is our last baby, it's official...I'm a girl mom!!  And I have to say, I love every second of it.

I am about as girlie-girl as they come.  Pink is my favorite color and I love nothing more than doing my nails, hair, make-up, and gettting all dressed up.  I have always played with dolls and used to play dress-up for hours.  Romantic movies and books are my favorite, and other than my love of football, I'm about as far away from a tomboy you can get.  So when the doctor first cried out, "It's a girl!" when Little M was born, I was elated!  My own sweet little girl.  Bows, dolls, and everything pink danced through my head.

The joy of raising Little M is so amazing that when we found out Baby C was a girl as well, my heart leapt.  Not one, but TWO sweet girls to raise!  Proms, wedding dress shopping, pedicures, long talks ala Gilmore Girls....I could not be more excited for all of it.  Sure, the teenage years can be rough with girls, but I would not trade them for anything.

A lot of people ask Skip if he wants to try for another baby...to try and get his boy.  Apparently some people still care about that whole carrying on the name thing.  But not Skip, he is 10000% overjoyed at being able to raise these two sweet girls.  There is nothing sweeter than watching my man with his two little princesses.

You can't tell, but his shirt says D.A.D.D.  Dads Against Daughters Dating, hahaha

I could not be happier to be a girl mom...the tutus, the headbands, the matching outfits, the Barbies, so many sweet memories to come....and I wouldn't have it any other way:)


  1. I thinks the girls are so much fun than boys!! ha!

    Beautiful girls

  2. I LOVE being a girl mom! I was elated when we found out Ci was a girl!

    Love Skips shirt!! Ci's little friend daycare, Braden bought her a bracelet for her birthday. Braden's mom told Daniel, "My son is already buying your daughter jewelry!" Daniel said 'She's not dating until 35!" :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by! Your girls are dolls!!

  4. Your girls are just precious!! Love hearing of other families with 3 girls. Please just tell me you and your sisters survived teenagehood. :)

  5. Hi Mandy,
    Angela here from http://dailydoseofdelight.blogspot.com/. Thanks for stopping by! Your daughters are adorable! I love, love your husbands shirt and want one for my hubby. Do you mind telling me where you got it? I added you to my list of blogs I read and can't wait to read more. :)


  6. Sweet babies! They are beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog- I love Kelly's SUYL posts :) My husband needs the D.A.D.D. shirt as well, we are not looking forward to those years :P

  7. Adorable! Thanks for stopping by my SITS day :)


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