Dear So and So

Dear people on my Facebook feed complaining about "only" getting a three day weekend:
Why don't you think about all the cops, firemen, EMT's, etc that don't have off at all this weekend....or any other holiday for that matter.  And you never hear them complain about it.

Dear people who say "Happy Memorial Day":
This weekend is not the kick-off to summer, official or unofficial.  It is not about the cookouts or the beach.  It is about taking a moment to remember all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.  There is nothing happy about it. {Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you shouldn't be spending time with family and friends while enjoying a nice burger.  Just take a moment to remember the real reason for the holiday}

Dear Baby C:
Stop growing up so fast!  I know you are almost 1 but crawling, cruising, and standing by yourself are big girl things.  I want you to stay my baby!!

Dear people who host Link-ups: 
I totally think that if you link up with someone you should comment on their post.  I also think if someone links up with you then you should also comment on their post.

Dear Rain:
You need to move along....seriously.  I know we didn't have much of any in April, but I seriously cannot take being cooped up with these whiny, fresh-air deprived girls for much longer.  We need to be outside!

Dear air-conditioning:
Thanks for breaking the first weekend we're having really hot temperatures.  I don't mind sweating all night long, but my little girls definitely don't appreciate it.

Dear body:
I've been trying to do right by you...running, the gym, workout why am I in pain all the time!?!?  I swear I feel like I'm 80 most mornings when I get up.

Dear hockey:
You are as boring as I remember you to be.  Please end soon....I need my football back.

Dear all my blog followers:
Have a good weekend and stay safe! 

What people/things would you write a letter to these days?


  1. I lve this post, made me smile :) I especially love your comment about memorial day coming from a family full of military it means a lot also I totally agree with your comment about people complaining about thee day weekends being a nurse I often don't get holidays off but there are sick people who need taken care of no matter the day :)

  2. oh girl, I hear ya on the link up letter. Those people that NEVER comment? Are doing link-ups for stats. Plain and simple.


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