Sibu Beauty Facial Cleanser Review and GIVEAWAY!!!

I have been having a little trouble regulated my skin post-two babies these days.  I don't know if it's hormones, the lack of sleep, or not always enough time to wash my face.  Regardless, when Sibu Beauty contacted me about reviewing a facial cleanser I was totally on board.  Anything to help me stop looking like a pre-pubescent teen!

The Sibu Beauty Product Line is all based around the sea buckthorn.  What is the sea buckthorn you might ask?  Here is a description from the Sibu Beauty website:

For healthy and beautiful hair, skin and nails

High in the Tibetan Himalayas (12,000 feet above sea level) grows a tiny but resilient fruit that resists the harsh weather conditions and high altitudes. The sea buckthorn berry fortifies itself against the elements by producing an array of powerful nutrients. With over 190 bioactive compounds, sea buckthorn is an unsurpassed source of Omegas 3, 6, and 9. And it's a rich source of the elusive essential fatty acid, Omega-7, an essential fatty acid vital to collagen production and healthy skin, hair and nails.
1300 years of beauty

Sea buckthorn is a natural product with 1300 years of traditional uses with the modern scientific research to back it up. Our superior processing techniques and our premium and exclusive source of sea buckthorn allow us to create a revolutionary group of beauty products.

Sounds good to me!  Another thing I liked right off the bat about Sibu Beauty is their commitment to the environment.  They describe their beliefs here:

We are proud to offer an exclusive line of health & beauty products that will improve the way you look and the way you feel. But we are also sensitive to the constant stress on our environment due to chemicals, overflowing landfills, and irresponsible management of our forests and other valued resources.
For these reasons, Sibu Beauty is also proud to announce a range of sustainability initiatives which respect the earth and the resources it provides. From our easily recycled plastic and our partnership with the Forest Stewardship Council, to our fair trade harvesting practices in Tibet and philanthropic outreach, Sibu Beauty want to make a difference for your health and for the planet.

I was lucky enough to try the facial cleanser. 
-Leaves skin looking and feeling radiant and refreshed

-Removes excess oil and impurities

-Contains micro-particles for a gentle exfoliation

-Great for removing make-up

-Non-foaming gel formula for all skin types
I have been using it for the past two weeks and I am very pleased with the results so far.  My skin has definitely started clearing up.  I *love* the small micro-particles.  They are gently exfoliating, but not so much that I can't use it every day.  The product has a strong citrus scent, which I helped wake me up a bit in the morning!!

Now here's the best part, you can win your own facial cleanser to try out!  The company said they can ship to either the USA or Canada.  Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received this facial cleanser for free for review.  I was not compensated in any other way.  All opinions are my own. 


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