An Important Read

I'm here today to introduce you to someone I hold very dear in my heart.  I have known Christophe since we were in first grade.  I had a huge crush on him in 6th grade {which I'm not actually sure he ever knew about}.  We were close friends in high school and I even took him as my date to my freshman year semi.

So why am I telling you all this?  Christophe has suffer from a rare degenerative muscle disease called Myofribullar Myopathy his whole life.  Only 100 people in the entire country have been diagnosed with it.  He has had several organ transplants and many other medical procedures done.  He is 28.

Christophe has the greatest heart and will to live that I have ever seen.  He has started his own blog to start to spread awareness about both his disease and organ donation.  Please head on over there and give your support to him and continually send him your prayers.  If anyone can come up with research or a cure for this disease, it's him!


  1. Praying for him!!! And kudos to you for bringing awareness to such a disease! Xo

  2. a) Emmy looks like your mini me in that picture!
    b) praying for him, checked out his blog, he looks so happy.


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