Baby Monitors? I've Tried Them All

There's a little known fact about me that I've decided to finally share with you all.  I'm a baby monitor expert.  Seriously.  It was never a life-long dream of mine, but somehow it just evolved that way. 

Want to know how I have become such an expert?  It's simple.  I'VE OWNED 6 MONITORS IN THE PAST THREE YEARS .  Yup, you heard that right...SIX.  How is that even possiblewhen Emmy is not yet four?  I'll give you the break down.

When I was first registering for my baby shower when I was pregnant with Emmy, I got just an audio monitor.{monitor #1}  We had nothing for the baby and I felt like a video monitor was an extravegance.  I can't find a picture of the one we had online, no can I remember the brand, but it was total crap so I don't think anyone wants to buy it anyway.

The base went in the baby's room, and we had two receivers we could listen too.  The whole thing stopped working when Emmy was only a few months old.  So we just went out and bought a copy of the same one {monitor #2}
When Emmy was just a little older than one, I wrote this post, which prompted my dad to go out and get us our very first video monitor. {monitor #3}

It is the Infant Summer monitor.  Sure the monitor part is a little bulky, but this thing was AWESOME.  It was sooo great getting to see Emmy on there.  It worked for a long time {and still does actually!}

But the I got pregnant.  Emmy was still little enough to need some watching over in her room, so Skip and I wanted a monitor that could use two cameras, so we could see both girls.

Since we'd had such luck with our Summer Infant model, we decided to stick with the same company and just upgrade.  So we got the Sleek and Secure Multiview Color Video Monitor {monitor #4}

It was AWESOME.  Your could switch between both rooms, carry the monitor with you everywhere, and even talk into it! {made is easy to just tell Emmy to go to bed without actually going in there}  The screen was super tiny, but that was our only complaint. 

Until a few months in when it stopped working.  Not good.  But after hounding Summer Infant, they sent a replacement for free! {monitor #5}

All was well until a few weeks ago when it quit working AGAIN.  So Skip and I headed over to Buy Buy Baby to pick up another monitor.  We decided not to go with a Summer one again after all the problems and instead settled on the Motorola Digital Video Baby Monitor {monitor #6}

Now let me tell you people, I am in LOVE. Seriously.  The screen is huge, I can flip between both cameras, it gives you the temperature in the room, you can talk into it, it can play lullabies, you can move the camera from the monitor, and the screen is HUGE. 

We've only had it a few weeks, so I'm not sure about longevity yet, but it is certainly my favorite so far.  Now let's hope it's also my last!!

What is your favorite monitor?


  1. I am not a fan of video monitors (but we did have an angel care monitor for Connor) and the best part about audio monitors? Turn it off and you can't hear if they are crying :)

  2. We have a Summer one right now that the monitor looks like an iPhone. I love it except I cracked the screen and they want $150 to replace the monitor...crazy sauce. Maybe if we end up with another one I'll check out the Motorola or the iBaby;-)


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