Girl Behind the Blog Video Link-Up!

Okay, so I ramble on a bit past the 2-3 min mark and I say ummm waay too much..but here it is!  My very first vlog link-up with Ashley!!


  1. You are so darn cute! Love your hair color! :)

    And I say UM and UHH way to much in vlogs too. Swear.

  2. You are adorable!!! I love the new hair looks great!!

  3. Love your accent! I also describe myself the same way as you, shy with an outgoing husband...nice balance.

  4. You are adorable! And your accent makes me super homesick!!!! Gosh I really miss Jersey, no one down here sounds like us!

  5. You sound exactly how I thought you would! Now I need to sit my butt down and do a vlog!

  6. Girl I just want to smooch your freakin face! I am so glad you did another vlog since your accent vlog. I would NOT expect you to be short OR shy. My husband cannot STAND people who are late (he is always always always early) and I for real cannot figure out how to be on time. Thats why we're a good pair! Love ya!

  7. Hahaha OMG I think we are the same person. Love 16-year-old girl music, and LOVE Secret Life. Shameful. I watched a few episodes of Bunheads over the weekend and loved that too - if my DVR wasn't smoking daily from the use it gets, I'd probably add that to my lineup!

  8. I am short. I am 5 foot 1 inch!

    I am also very shy...yet my husband is the life of the party. opposites attract!

    i don't like when people are late either.

    i watched make it or break it...and i about to try out bunheads!

    thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment!

    happy wednesday!

  9. Cute video i didnt know PLL had a book series with it. Cool cool. I love young adult books and pop music too lol

  10. aww darling vlog and i LOVE the photos on your sidebar that sort of tell your story :) excited to follow along xo

  11. i love actually hearing your voice! Seriously, I need to visit NY soon to meet up with you :)

  12. You are a natural, Mandy! So nice "meeting" you. It's nice that your hubby can be the social butterfly when you're in new situations. It's great to have a partner that compliments you :)


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