What a Wonderful Wedding!!

This weekend will go down as one of the best of my life.  My baby sister is now married!!!! I've been sitting here for a good half an hour now trying to think of the perfect words to describe what this weekend meant to me, but some things are just indescribable and can only be felt, not articulated into words.  So instead I'll leave you with the few I Phone pics I snapped yesterday.  At the end is the Matron of Honor speech I made for the happy couple. 
Bridesmaid dress

Hair and make-up

My sweet flower girls #1

Sweet flower girl #2

Cocktail hour with my cousin

My bestie J who came {and was a HUGE help} with the girls!

They're married!!!!!

Her dress was very Kate Middleton {though my sis was way prettier and more radiant than Kate}

Dancing with our dad to "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban.....commence tears and sobbing

Dancing the day away!

Me and my MARRIED sister! {let it be known I'm standing on my tippy toes in this pick...I'm the really short on in the family}

Love her!!

Sir Winston Churchill once said "Where does the family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found."

And that is why we are all gathered here today. K fell in love with E, and she with him, and today we are here to celebrate the beginning of their own little family.

As one of E’s older sisters, I could not be happier to stand before you all and give my congratulations to our bride and groom. I knew from the very beginning of E and K’s relationship that they were meant for each other. When you see them together, they just make sense. The compliment and challenge each other in the most beautiful ways. I cannot wait to see where life takes them together.

Now, I’d like to impart a little advice for the two of you. I’ve paraphrased this from the movie The Vow.

"I hope you both help each other love life, hold each other with tenderness and have the patience that love demands. Speak when words are needed and share the silence when they are not. To live within the warmth of each other’s hearts and always call it home. I wish for you both to fiercely love each other in all your forms, now and forever and to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love."

K, I am so proud and honored to now call you my brother, and E, new last name or not, you will always be the Mary Kate to my Ashley. I love you both. Congratulations.


  1. LOVE your speech! And I LOVE her dress, the lace is beautiful :)

  2. Great job Mandy. You and Lindsay are the best sisters in the world. You made it such a special day for the baby of the family.
    The Mom and I could not be more proud of all of our girls. I include M and C in that. Skip is one great husband, father, son-in-law and brother-in-law.
    What a family!

  3. What a sweet speech and I love the pictures. You all looked beautiful!


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