Charlie's Nursery!
Apparently I'm going for the Procrastinator of the Year awards, because I've *finally* gotten around to taking pictures/sharing Charlie's nursery with know, only 14.5 months later:) When I was pregnant with Charlie, we moved Emmy into a big girl room so we could use the nursery for our newest baby. Even though we knew she was also a girl, I wanted to change things up a bit...make it special for her too. I blogged about what the room looked like when Emmy had it here . As you can see we got a new crib, new dresser {it was one of Skip's and my old ones} and rearranged things. The original set up I had for Emmy didn't work so well, so I wanted to change it around. There's no real theme in the room, but if I had to pic, it would be a mix of a few Precious Moments touches and a smattering of butterflies! It's crazy to think that in about a year we'll be converting her crib to a bed and probably redoing her room again to something less baby-lik...