My Baby Is Growing Up

My sweet little baby Emmy, the girl that taught me to be a mommy, will be starting preschool at a local Catholic elementary school in just two weeks.  'Scuse me as I cry into a tissue for a minute.

I know she is ready and will just LOVE school, it's me that's taking this hard.  Mainly because for the past three and a half years she has been home with me every single day.  And I have loved every second.  She never went to daycare, mother's day out, or even library story time.  Only family and a few very close friends have ever babysat.  With me I know she is safe and happy.  But now, for five mornings a week, I have to trust someone else to take care of my girl.  She'll be doing things without me, meeting kids, playing, learning new things, all without me.  She'll have SUCH a wonderful time, but it just hurts my mom heart a little.

I'll miss her those hours she's gone.  I'll miss our lazy mornings sitting around in our pajamas.  As of September 10th, our whole lives will change as we know it.  We have to be up, dressed, fed, and out the door every day at a certain time.  We'll be spending a lot of money to send her to the school, and have volunteering and fundraising requirements to reach.  We'll have to plan vacations and trips around her schedule now.  Skip, with his crazy schedule, will see less of his little girl.

But I know that this does come with some great perks as well.  Emmy is just itching to learn, to play with kids every day, to spend some time away from us as all kids need to do.  I'm excited for a little scheduling in our lives.  I can't wait to spend some alone time with Charlie Bear.  With just one kid in the mornings I know I'll be able to get a lot more done in those hours.  But I still am going to miss my baby something fierce.

So who wants to bring me tissues as I stand sobbing outside her classroom on the 10th?


  1. This rips at my heart. I am worried about being separated from my baby too, but in a different way. I don't want them to take her away before I meet her :(.

    Being a mom is hard work!!! You taught her well, though. She will be OK. :)

  2. she will be SO great! praying that the transition is smooth for y'all

  3. I can totally understand what you're feeling!
    Praying for a smooth transition.

  4. Aw! I imagine you are a bundle of emotions but she will do great and you will, too!

  5. She is going to love it soooo much! But I remember feeling exactly how you are feeling right now last year before Preston started preschool! I was a wreck! I even told Brad at one point that maybe I should just cancel the whole thing and keep him home with me! LOL. Mommy worry at it's finest! I promise it won't be as bad as you think it will! After a couple of weeks you're going to love it as much as she does!!


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