Wedding Bells Ringing

I'm so excited to be linking up with Becky again for her Show & Tell Monday!  I love that this week's topic is all about weddings as well!

 Are you married? If so when did you get married, and tell us about your special day. If not? How would you describe your dream wedding?  Yes I'm married!  Seven years ago, on July 29, 2005 Skip and I were married in the church I grew up in.  Our reception was smallish, only 70 people, and was at the reception hall where my parents and aunt were also married.  The whole day was just a perfectly fun celebration of our love.  Sure there are things I would have changed looking back {hello, no Pinterest back then!} but it really was just such a wonderful day.

Show us some wedding pictures. Either yours or of some that you love

My gradma, parents, sisters and I

The ladies of the house

My dad and his girls

Leaving my parent's house for the last time as a Miss!

Bridal party

Just married!

Mr. & Mrs.
One of my favorites...just shows what a great time I was having!!

 How about the engagement? Tell us your story. If not engaged, what's your dream proposal? In May of 2004, Skip headed off to California for some pre-deployment training.  Before he left, he gave me a promise ring.  He said it was a promise that we were spending the rest of our lives together and a promise that he was coming home safe from Iraq. So I never in a million years was expecting a proposal two months later.  August came and one day I cam home from working at camp, and Skip was waiting in my house for me!  They had all been given 5 days of leave before they deployed so he came home and surprised me.  We spent the next two days together.  That Sunday Skip said he wanted to spend some time with his sister.  I said it was no problem as long as it wasn't all day.  I would be at my Grandma's since my cousin had just come home from his deployment, and I told Skip to bring his sister there so we could all hang out.  Well as each hour ticked by, I grew angrier and angrier.  Finally Skip asked me to come pick him up at his parent's house at 5:30.  I was fuming.  He met me at my car when I pulled in and brought me right into the back yard.  He explained that  he was really sorry he had been gone all day but he was working on a something and it took longer than he thought.  He then told me how much he loved me, pulled out the ring {which he had been picking out that day with his sister} and proposed.  Obviously I said yes:)  Skip and I had known each other for less than a year, but I just knew he was my soul mate.  We then spent the rest of the night celebrating with our family:)

Show us your wedding rings or an engagement photo! If not engaged/married ... show us your "dream" ring.
My promise ring

Saying goodbye before he left for California
Engagement ring!


Tell us why you think marriage doesn't work out for so many? What can we do to make things last.  I think a lot of people don't enter into marriage these days with the right intentions.  I think people get married because they think it's the next step, or they've been together a long time, or they just want a wedding, not necessarily a marriage.  I also think that people give up too easily when things get hard.  Do I believe that some people should get divorced? Absolutely.  I just think some people see it as their first option, instead of their last.  I also think people need to really evaluate and think about the fact that when you enter into marriage {unless extenuating circumstances come up} you are in this for life.  Divorce is not just like a break up.


  1. I love everything about weddings!!!

    Yours looks your engagement ring!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I love seeing all of these wedding stories! Is your husband still serving in the military?

  3. Seven years is a long time! And I hope you don't mind me saying I wish I could have been one of your bridesmaids in order to wear one of those dresses--some of the prettiest bridesmaid dresses I've ever seen! :P

  4. I agree with the comment about the dresses. And your dress was stunning too! Oh and your ring is amazing. ;)


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