Dealing with Change

I don't do well with change. I never have, and it's not getting any better as I get older.  I like things to stay the way they are.  And I REALLY don’t like when things change right out of the blue.  I need a little warning first to better prepare myself.

Now I know what you’re thinking…that’s not going to happen most of the time.  Life is big on knocking us down and blind-siding use right when we least expect it.  I really wish I was a more flexible, go-with-the-flow kinda girl…and while I’m working on that, I’m still a long-way off.

In the meantime, I’ve been thinking of ways to try and deal with change better {since life seems to be giving us more than our fair share these days}.  My first instinct was to get a free psychic chat or psychic readings.  It’s not something I’ve ever done, but I thought that maybe it would help if I had some sort of warning as to major things that might happen to me in the future.

I also tend to visualize lots of worse case scenarios these days.  I figure I can prepare myself for so many things that can go wrong, and then I’ll be more prepared for them and less in shock.

I’m not sure any of these are good ideas, but it’s just how I cope.

What about you?  How do you deal with change and the unknown future?


Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored post, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.


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