Show and Tell - My Man

I'm very excited to be linking up with the lovely Becky today for her Show and Tell series!  Today's topic is all about my man Skip:)

1. Tell us how and when you met your love and what attracted you most to him.
I met Skip August 24, 2003 at my best friend's house.  She was dating Skip's best friend, and they strategically placed us together in her backyard.  The first thing I liked about him was his piercing blue eyes and the fact that he smoked the same cigarettes as me {yes we used to smoke..I blame it on the young age}  We talked for hours that night and the conversation never lulled.  I can't tell you that I knew I would marry him that night, because I didn't.  But I did know I felt some sort of connection with him and knew he would impact my life somehow. 

2. Show us the very first {or one of the first} pictures you guys ever took together.  {Feel free to show us more than one}
I have been searching for weeks for the very first picture of us together, from the second time we hung out, but I can't find it anywhere!  But here are some from the first few months we were dating.
The bench we met on

The day he asked me to be his girlfriend September 20, 2003

3. Tell us some of your favorite memories that the two of you had together.  {I'm just talking about the ones before we got married}
- When he took me shotgun shooting on our first date.
- Endless phone and AIM conversations
- Writing each other hand-written letters
- That first hug after not seeing each other all week
- Skip driving 6 hours just to see me for 2 hours on my birthday
- The first time he told me he loved me
- The first time he proposed {not seriously...we'd been dating only 2 months, haha}
- Family day at the base
- Lots of laughs with our friends
- The Marine Corps ball
- The day he graduated the police academy
- Mini vacation in San Diego
- The day we got engaged
- The day he surprised me before he left for Iraq

4. Tell us your favorite qualities about this man, what makes him "the one"
I got way luckier with my husband than I ever deserve.  He is the kindest hearted man I ever men.  He's a real man's man and is willing to make any sacrifice for his family.  He is such a hands on dad and jumps right in with the raising of the girls.  Skip is always trying to find ways to do nice things for me, and to make sure I get a break.  He has always supported my dreams.  I love how dedicated he is to our country and is always thinking of ways to serve it.  He is seriously the funniest man I ever met and constantly leaves me in stitches.  Every person he meets is a friend of his.  I thank God every day I get to walk through life with this man as my husband.

5. Tell us what your "date nights" typically look like.
These days?  Date nights are usually weddings or work events we have to attend together.  Sometimes we're able to get away for dinner or a movie...maybe a night at a friend's house.  Nothing too exciting these days, but special in their own way. 


  1. This is a great link-up! Such cute stories about you and your hubby! I'll have to link up next week.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Stopping by from the linkup & a new follower. Looking forward to getting to know you.
    > Chelsea


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