
...a little continuation of our kid-free/birthday weekend.
Saturday morning Skip and I slept in until 11:30!!  Sadly we had to set an alarm to make sure we got up then, as we probably could have slept all day!! But since I had an appointment to permanently alter my body at 2:00pm, we had to get a move on. 
 Once I was all inked up, Skip and I spent the rest of the afternoon running errands and just relaxing.  It was really amazing just how quiet the house was without the girls.  In the early evening, we finally peeled ourselves off the couch to get ready for another night our with friends. 
My bestie thought that a few of us were just going out to dinner.  What she didn't know is that her sister, friend, and I had been planning a surprise birthday party for her for WEEKS now!  I have been sweating it the whole will we get her there...will she suspect anything...will she have fun....will it all go on okay without any drama?!?!?!
Thankfully she was TOTALLY surprised and had a really wonderful time.  It was a great group of people and everyone talked and laughed late into the night.  I'm so glad we were able to do something special for J for her 30th birthday!!

Best buds

Me and my man

Hate that this is so blurry!!

Things you find in Jersey

Me and the birthday girl!!!

And don't worry, Skip and I didn't stay up until 4:30 am again....only 2:30 ;-)


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