Thoughts on a Thursday

I had to think way too hard this morning about what day it was, so I definitely can't be expected to write more than bullet points today.

- I keep messing around with the font on my posts...I can't seem to find one I like the best...what fonts to you normally use?

- We haven't taken the girls to a single pumpkin patch yet this year...whoops!  Maybe tomorrow

- I'm going to try and convince the husband for a "No Eating Out November"  No going out to restaurants, no take-out, no picking up sandwiches or a bagel....nothing {except for Emmy's birthday} I think our wallets and waistlines could really benefit.  The only problem?  It involves me cooking every single meal for a month...not sure how I feel about that yet.

- The fabulous AP will be taking some family pictures of us this weekend and I could not be more excited!!  I just need to sit down and actually pick out our outfits now.

- I finally made an appointment to go get a physical.  The earliest appointment she had was January.  I haven't been in 5 years so I figured a few more months wouldn't kill me.

- November is one of my least favorite months.  It's cold, boring, and we should be able to just skip right to Thanksgiving.

- I just got into Private Practice last year, and now they're cancelling it?!?!  Oh well...I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who watches it anyway.

- I am way more upset then I need to be about Steve Burton leaving General Hospital.  He will always be Jason "Stonecold" Morgan to me

- Did you watch the Pretty Little Liars Halloween episode on Monday?!?!  So scary!

- I just talked about tv a lot just then.  Funny thing is those shows {along with Grey's Anatomy and Parenthood} are the only ones I watch.  No time for anything else with all that football watching we got going on.

- As of now, we have no vacations planned for 2013....perhaps Disney 2014 though?? :)

- I made my own laundry detergent the other day.  It makes me feel so crunchy and frugal.  I'll post the recipe I used later this week!

- I've napped pretty much every day this week when the girls do, and I don't feel bad about it one bit.

- A cop was shot and killed in NY this week.  I am so so sad over this story, but as a cop wife I just can't think about it too much...let's all say a prayer for our men and women in blue

What are your thoughts on this Thursday?


  1. We don't have a vacation planned for 2013 either. Makes me a little sad! But I guess that just means we need to go all out for 2014.

    Also, it's kind of a tease that the ad on the bottom of the comment form right now is for a Disney cruise LOL

  2. I love the idea of not eating out at all to save money (and calories!). Might talk to my hubby about that as well.

    Definitely want that detergent recipe, just got my first washer/dryer and I'm excited about this!

    I didn't know you watch Pretty Little Liars. I'm ridiculously obsessed with the mystery in that show. The episode scared the heck out of me, when Aria was stuck in the box??? OMG! Do you think it was Toby helping Mona? I can't picture it!


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