A Notch in my Belt

Last Wednesday, Skip and I received another notch in our parenting belts.  One I was hoping not to get for a long time, if ever

 One I just knew would come from my daredevil second child. 

The one who has been on the go since she turned seven months. 

The one who scales and climbs the furniture with not a care in the world

The one who runs with legs, though still fairly unsteady, she deems more than capable.

  Can you tell where I'm going with this?

Well, last Wednesday started off like any other day.  Took Emmy to school, Skip and I each worked out, I stayed home with Charlie to get lunch ready while Skip picked up Emmy.  They had been home not five minutes.  Charlie was toddling over to the other side of the room when she slipped...catching her fall with her face...on the solid wood floor.  I was there in a second.  Scooping her up, trying to console her.  A few second passed before I noticed the blood.  Quite a bit of blood.  We quick grabbed a towel {white...bad choice} and tried to stop the bleeding as much as possible. 

When it looked as if it was slowing down, even the slightest, we popped Charlie in her high chair and gave her an ice pop, since she refused any kind of ice on her lip.  She stopped crying and the bleeding seemed to stop!  Yay!

But then Skip tried to give her a little yogurt and the bleeding started up again.  Skip and I shared a look and knew it was off to the ER we would go.  My parents were there in two minutes to watch Emmy and off we went.

Overall?  The experience wasn't too bad.  There is an ER-only hospital down the street {strange I know}  And we were in and out of there in 20 minutes.  No stitches needed!  The wound was just superficial and the swelling would go down, so after a quick check of her teeth and some Motrin, we were out of there. 

Which was good since Charlie screamed like nothing I have ever heard before the entire time we were at the hospital.

Poor girl had a little trouble eating and sleeping the rest of the day, but nothing a few more snuggles couldn't cure.

So there you have it.  I've officially crossed the take a kid to the ER off my parenting list.  Hopefully this will be the first and last time we'll have to do this. 

And who says boy moms have all the ER fun?


  1. I've been to the ER too many times with my crazy boys. Glad you are both ok!

  2. Awww poor thing! I know it's only a matter of time until we end up there too. My little on is a climber too. Here's hoping you don't have to go there too often!

  3. Glad it wasn't anything too serious. Maybe know she will slow down?

  4. Poor baby girl and poor momma! We've been there (about 3 months ago) and it's awful! Such a horrible feeling to see them like that. I'm so glad she didn't have to have stitches! Face injuries make my heart hurt extra hard too!


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