Emmy's Birthday!

Thank you all so much for all the birthday wishes for Emmy yesterday!  I think she had a really wonderful birthday.  It was low-key, simple, and we just followed with what she wanted. 

Even though her family party isn't until today, Skip and I wanted to decorate for her so she'd wake up to a world of horses {her most favorite thing ever}
Had to wear our horse jammies to bed obviously

And of course no horse jammies are complete unless they have zebra pants too

There were a few gifts to be opened and played with before school.

Once the birthday donuts were consumed, we packed up some cookies and goodie bags for her friends, and headed off to school.

I know how excited Emmy was to celebrate her birthday with her school friends, but it was tough to be away from her!  She's always been with me all day on her birthday, sniff sniff. 

When we went to go pick her up at noon though, she was just bursting with excitement to tell us how she got a special crown, sticker, and that everyone sang to her!  It was so cute to see her little friends waving goodbye and hugging her as she left...melt.my.heart.

We quick loaded up and headed off to the drive-thru for some 'chicken and french fries'...Emmy's favorite meal. 

Lunch at home was eaten quickly while playing with ponies, obviously. 


There was more singing and plenty of cake to go around. 

*love* her face in this one

I'm not sure if Emmy or Charlie enjoyed the chocolate-y goodness more!

Our plan for the rest of the day was naps, dinner at Friendly's complete with ice cream, then home for snuggles and bed.

Apparently when you turn 4, you have your own opinions about what you want to do.  So instead we had pita chips and hummus at home for dinner, and a solo ice cream date with daddy.  Girl's got sass that's for sure:)

All in all I think Emmy had a wonderful birthday.  And with her family party today, there's lots more celebrating to do!


  1. M had the best birthday ever. She got to do exactly what she wanted. What great parents.

  2. How cute is she? She had to have the best birthday ever, especially with those fabulous horses!

  3. Love her!! And you! But this sounds like the best 4th birthday EVER!!! I only hope that I can give Julianna a 4th birthday like this (ahhhhh 2 months away holy shitballs!) you rock mama!

  4. so cute, what a fun birthDAY! i love those zebra pants!


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