Happy 4th Birthday Emmy

My sweet sweet Emmy.  Here we are on your fourth birthday...FOURTH.  I cannot believe how fast these years have flown by.  Four years ago today I heard the words "It's a girl" for the first time, and my whole life was changed forever.  You have brought such light and joy into our lives from that very first moment, and continue to do so every single day.

Every morning I wake up and thank God for blessing me to be your mom.  It really is such a treasure.  And you make it so easy!  You are at such a fun age right now.  Gone is any little glimpse of you being a baby or a toddler.  Now you are my kid.  We talk, hang out, sing, dance, play, laugh together.  It is so wonderful getting to see the person you are developing into.

From a tiny little newborn,

to a sweet one year old,

to a lady bug,

to a princess,

to a horse-tamer

I have loved every second of watching you grow.  I hope you have a day that is as special and amazing as you!


  1. Aww, happy birthday to your beautiful little girl!

  2. Happy Birthday to your little girl!!! She looks so happy next to the birthday banner

  3. Happy birthday to you both! She is so beautiful! And that one year old pic of her? Looks just like her sissy!

  4. Emmy is beautiful!

    Happy Fourth Birthday, sweet girl! And Happy Four Years of Mommyhood!

  5. She is so beautiful! Happy birthday, sweet girl!!!

  6. Good job Admin. Your posts have always been recipe for an excellent read. I couldn’t take my eyes of your beautiful and incredible writing style. Keep it up!

    Nightlife in Singapore


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