Stay-at-home girl mom

I'm very excited for Becky's Women Connect project!

 I love finding new blogs, especially when they are in a similar life stage as me.  I think it's important for women to be able to find someone going through the same things they are to share stories and bounce ideas off one another. 

So who am I? 

If you're new here, I'm Mandy.  I'm newly thirty {ouch}, married for seven years, mommy for four years.

I've worn a lot of hats over the years: student, teacher, girlfriend, fiance, wife, Marine Corps wife, cop wife, deployment survivor, Jersey girl...the list could go on.

But the most important hat I've ever worn, is that of stay-at-home mom to my two sweet girls.

Being a SAHM is the one thing I always wanted to do in life.  I always knew I wanted kids and as long as my husband and I could afford it, I wanted to be able to stay home while they were young.  I didn't want to miss out on a second of their little lives. 

So I was overjoyed when I got pregnant in the spring of 2008, and Skip and I realized I could 'retire' from teaching in the spring and stay home with the baby.

November 29, 2008 was the day I became a mommy to my little Emmy and began my dream of being a SAHM.

Those first few weeks?  Amazing.  I was on a high of not being pregnant anymore and omg, I have the!cutest!baby!ever!  Everything was all a haze of pink and baby squishiness.  What was not to love?  Being a SAHM was better than I ever dreamed.

But now here I am four years in.  The pink haze of the newborn days has evaporated.  We have added another child to the mix.  Do I still love being a stay-at-home mom?  Absolutely.  Would I change it for anything else in this world? Definitely not.  But this SAHM gig?  So much harder than I ever dreamed.  Way harder.  Epically harder. 

Now I don't want you to think that I thought being home with my girls all day would be all bon-bons and playing.  I knew it would involve a lot of work...more than anything I had ever known.  Being a SAHM has tried and stretched me in ways I didn't know possible.

You forget that you're on call 24/7.  Sleeping babies don't always stay asleep.  A part of you never gets out of 'mom mode'.

Doing anything takes three times longer than you think.  I used to pride myself on being on time...early even.  Now?  No matter how early I start getting us ready, I'm barely on time for anything {except Emmy's school..that we've got down}

I wasn't prepared for the loneliness.  Which seems weird to say since there are tiny humans grabbing onto your legs at all times of the day.  But that human interact you get at work? Someone to chat with while waiting for the bathroom?  A friend to eat lunch with?  A little gossip over your coffee?  There's none of that at home.  And even though Emmy talks and converses now, she really doesn't care that Channing Tatum was named Sexiest Man Alive.

Not only is there no one to talk to, but you spend a lot more time at home than I thought.  Sure in the summer we get out to the park, take walks, etc.  But the winter is hard.  Maybe it's too cold for the baby, or she's sick, or it's too snowy and you don't want to risk an accident.  Whatever it is, you're practically held prisoner in the house for months.  There are weeks where I barely get out at all.  Now sure there are music and swim classes you can bring your kid to, the mall to wander around, play dates to go on.  But most of my friends don't have kids, and all those other things?  Cost money.  Money we just don't have since I'm a SAHM. Catch 22 huh.

Before I was a SAHM, I never realized how much praise and feedback you get from your job on a regular basis.  All that goes away when you stay home with your kids.  They're not going to tell you if you've burped them right or you've got them on the 'right' schedule.  They didn't come with a manual explaining the best way to discipline them, or when they'll be ready to potty train.  You just have to go with your gut and assume it's the right thing for your kid, because no one else can tell you.  And that praise you're used to getting at work?  The 'good jobs' and 'way to gos'? They were a nice bonus to any day.  A baby puking on your shirt just doesn't have the same effect.

Being able to stay home with my girls all day every day is the greatest gift I've ever gotten.  I love it more than there are words to describe it.  But being a stay-at-home mom?  I've got to's rough, exhausting, unlike anything I've ever experienced.  The days I've experienced have been some of the best and worst of my life.  It's rewarding and frustrating all at the same time.

Please tell me I'm not alone?


  1. I'm not a SAHM yet but I do get to spend the weekends with my little girl and I am always exhausted by Sunday. It is definitely a lot harder than I ever expected it to be and I have an 'easy' baby! I still can't wait to spend all of my time at home but I know it's going to be tough. Hang in there Momma and remember that you are a great mother!!

  2. I've been reading your blog for awhile but loved this post. I'm a SAHM as well and can relate to everything you've said. When I worked I used to think SAHM's were lazy and had it so easy. Ha I take back everything I've ever said! It's hard work. Worth it but so much harder than I expected!

  3. Just found you through Becky's link up and I had to laugh at how similar our posts are. Everything I forgot to put in mine, you put in yours. I am a SAHM to a 22 month old girl and 3 month old boy. I can't wait to follow along with your cute family!

  4. While reading this post, I felt like I could have written it. All of the things you said--I feel! Being a stay at home mom is the best job title you could ever have, but you don't realize all of the things you posted about. New follower through Becky's linkup!

  5. i saw your ID factor "girl mom of two" & clicked so fast & already you spoke to my heart being a girl mom of two only a girl mom of two would understand, then talking about the whole SAHM thing. & let me tell you I GOT IT. I felt like i was writing it!

    I am now a follower! great post!

  6. stopping by from Becky's link-up.

    being a sahm is the best job! I am looking fwd to reading more of your blog!

  7. Love how truthful you are in this post!!

    I a new follower.. also a Jersey girl!

  8. Mandy, this was said perfectly. Absolutely perfectly.

    We don't get praise if we're raising our babies right. We don't get pay raises orawards. But we do get hugs and kisses, bedtime snuggles and happy memories to cherish forever.


  9. I am a newbie to the SAHM gig and it is by far the hardest job I have ever had! Although, I loved being a working mom, being a stay at home mom has wonderful perks and in time I am learning to love my new job!I loved your post, it was said perfectly! So glad Becky did the link up so I could find your blog!

  10. I love the peek into your life!!!

  11. I am also 30 (so I feel your pain) and a cop wife! My husband is a cop in the Air Force.

  12. You are not alone! I have been a stay a home mom for the last six years and i am in my late twenties. It is the hardest yet most rewarding job on the planet!

  13. Wow, you could not have said it better! So, so true!
    And thank you for the comment on my blog! I look forward to reading yours as well :)

  14. I found you via the link up! I'm a stay at home mama to two little girls as well, some days I wonder if ill ever speak to a adult again. I love my role more than anything but you nailed it right on the head with this post! I'm excited to continue reading your blog!

  15. Hi Mandy, I just found you through a link up and I totally think we could be friends ;) I kid...

    I am so glad that I found you through our blogs. Pretty much even if we have never met in real life, you are such a great friend that I cherish. You inspire me to be a better Wife and Mother. I wish that we live closer to one another so our winter days wouldn't be so long. I know our babies would have lots of fun together!

  16. OH MY GOSH... not alone at all! I hear ya... i LOVED when you wrote:

    "But this SAHM gig? So much harder than I ever dreamed. Way harder. Epically harder."

    I pretty much wrote this SAME thing in my NOVEL post for this link up about being a SAHWM and I only have one here with me!

    I cant wait to read more on your blog, so much of what you said hit too close to home, especially the channing comment! ahhhhhhh DROOOOOL! :)

    yah for new blogs to follow!

  17. I agree...this SAHM gig is pretty hard and I only have one little one! There isn't a "boss" giving us praise. You are not alone here.

  18. this is so amazing! im following from becky and the link up, tho my post isnt up yet. i am newly pregnant, and on my way to be a SAHM as well. i was a teacher before becoming a SAHW. your family is beautiful!

  19. I really appreciate this post. While I wouldn't trade my SAHM status for the world, some days can be so trying! Today being one of them! But it's such a blessing and I am so thankful for that!


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