"Things Could Be Worse"

2012 was not the best for our family. So as we approached the new year, I knew2013 had to be better. Let someone else bear the burden for a while.  Skip and I kept repeating “this is ouryear, this is our year”.   We weren’t hoping for anything grand to happen, we just didn’t want anything terrible to happen either.  We would simply be happy coasting along. 

Of course we all started the year off sick {not a good sign}.  But maybe, just maybe, this was the worst that would happen to us this year….get it all out of the way now.  Ha.

I put my back out next, which still isn’t 100%.  I had to go for an abdominal ultrasound for this nausea that will.not.go.away.  It all came back fine, which is great, but I’m still nauseous. Umm, I would have just had more babies if I wanted to feel sick for months on end {and no I’m not pregnant}.

We finally find someone to take away our death trap glass dining table, so we wrap it all up, get in the garage, and order a new table.  Except now the store isn’t returning our phone calls and our new dining room table was damaged when the truck caught fire.  Seriously. I can’t make this stuff up.  We have a new one on the way again, and while it would make sense to just bring in the old one, it's so freakin' heavy it's just more trouble than it's worth.

So we eat on the couch. 

It  might be nice if my husband's contract could go through so maybe he could get some of the money he's been owed for years now.  Especially since NJ cops have to pay for more than their fair share of medical benefits now. 

People I care about are hurting, suffering, and I take on their pain as my own.  

There are other big things going on as well, but some things are not my story to tell.  But it does take a toll on our whole family.

Oh yeah, and my dog's still dead.

Sometimes I want to know where to get a MyLife Refund and just start this whole year over again.

I know that so many other people have it way worse than I do.  I know how blessed I am to have such a strong marriage and two healthy, amazing little girls.  I'm able to live my dream of being a SAHM in a wonderful house in a safe neighborhood.  

But just for a little while, I'm tired of saying "Things could be worse."

I promise to be back to my happy, everything is wonderful self next week.  But for today I just needed to vent. 


  1. so sorry girlie I hate this for you, I pray that yall can get a break soon!

  2. It will all go up from here. I just know it will. Praying for you!

  3. I just followed you over from your comment on my blog. Love what you said about having more babies if you wanted to stay sick. And yes... it could always be worse. But even I know that, and it's totally okay to have had enough for a bit. I really appreciate what civilian protection and hero forces deal with in terms of pay, benefits, and sacrifice. It is not lost on me. Good luck with your back. I found a trigger point massage therapist and while he makes me hurt it is so worth it.


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