Getting to Know Me

Happy Wednesday readers!  First off I'd like to announce the winner of the Valentine's Day card giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Congratulations Jackie!  Jackie is also a real life friend of mine and new mom to the cutest little girl ever.  I'm so excited she won!!  {I'll be emailing you later Jackie!}

And for those that didn't win, remember you can click on this link here and get 15 free cards of your own!!!

I saw this post over at The Pink Growl and decided to fill one out myself {do these remind anyone else of the surveys we used to email around to each other in high school?!}  I've had a lot of new followers recently, HI!, and thought this would be a quick way for you all to find out a little more about me!

A. Age: I'm officially in my 30's now.  It's as miserable as I thought it would be

B. Bed size: Queen...I like to snuggle

C. Chore you hate: Folding laundry.  I would love to pay someone to come do it for me. 

D. Dogs: Shiba, our Shiba Inu I'm pathetic at naming dogs and Braddock up in heaven.

E. Essential start to your day: Coffee

F. Favorite color: Pink

G. Gold or Silver: Silver or white gold...not a fan of any other colored gold

H. Height:I'm 5'4..a friend of Skip's once called me the runt of my family since everyone else is so much taller than me:(

I. Instruments you play: I attempted to play the clarinet for two years.  I hated it and was just horrible. 

J. Job Title: Domestic Engineer {sounds so much fancier than mom who never gets out of yoga pants and spends every day cleaning up crumbs off the floor}

K. Kids: My two sweet girls, Emmy and Charlie

L. Live:I'm a Jersey girl forever baby!

M. Married: Happily to my man Skip for 7 1/2 years now.  

N. Nicknames: Mandy is the most used one, so we'll go with that. 

O. Overnight hospital stays: Just the two times when I gave birth.

P. Pet Peeve: Terrible drivers...people who are consistently late...people who are all take and no give.

Q. Quote: "nobody will ever know the strength of my love for you, after all you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside"  I have a serious obsession with quotes...always have.  You can check out all the ones I have on my Pinterest board!

R. Righty or Lefty: Righty 

S. Siblings: Two sisters, one older and one younger

T. Time you wake up: 6:15 on weekdays and if the girls sleep in, around 8:00 or 8:30 on weekends. 

U. University attended: A Catholic university in Connecticut...those were some good days

V. Vegetables you dislike: Umm, most of them.  I could probably list the ones I do like way quicker than the ones I don't.

W. What makes you run late: The girls.  I used to always be on time or early before I had them.  Now it takes us forever to get ready and I'm rarely anywhere early.  

X. X-rays you've had: of my feet when I had bone spurs in the back and my teeth.

Y: Yummy food: Pizza and bagels are my absolute favorite...and why I could never really move away from Jersey!

Z. Zoo Animal: Sea otters...have you ever seen them hold hands?!?  To die for!

Hope you enjoyed reading a little bit about me. Now tell me some facts about you!!


  1. Never knew that about sea otters! lol.. that is just adorable!

  2. I'm stealing this! I kind of love questionnaires like this, you find out the most random facts about people! It's fun! Pink is my favorite color too! I'm not a fan of gold either! And holy cuteness with the sea otters!

  3. Yay! So excited to send valentines from Emily!

  4. So pissed I missed this giveaway but Jules and Kels' two fav girls will get a Valentine- no worries! :) And I really love the concept of this post- I may borrow it or something like it if that is ok? love ya!


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