Resolutions...How Well I Kept Up in 2012

I wanted to share a little guest post I wrote for the fabulous Pam a few weeks ago.  I took a look back at my 2012 resolutions and how I faired with them.  Pretty well if I do say so myself!  Looking back always motivates me to keep working on my current resolutions!

2012 Resolutions
1. Get back into pre-baby shape.
Done!  Now I'm not totally happy with my body and it's always a work in progress.  But I lost the rest of my baby weight in February of 2012 and have been working on toning it!

2. Organize and de-clutter the house.
This is definitely something I worked on and got much better at this year.  Skip and I still want to tackle the attic but a lot of things were donated this year!

3. Take more pictures and videos.
Still bad with the videos...hangs head in shame:(  I haven't been taking more pictures with my good camera but there have been more than enough I Phone pics taken!

4. Take more time with Skip.
I don't think married people with two kids ever get enough date nights out, but we definitely do get out regularly.  We make sure to spend quality time at home together too. 

5. Be more in the moment.
This is something I am always thinking about and making a conscious effort to do.  I've definitely gotten better about it over the year! 

6. Make sure those around me know how much I love them.
I really did make more of an effort with those I love this year, and I hope they noticed!

Overall pretty good last year!  How are you about keeping up with your resolutions?


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