Six Months

Today marks six months since our sweet boy left us. 

Six months since I started to question the value of prayer.

Six months since my whole world was rocked.

Six months since I felt like a complete failure as a dog mom.

Six months since I felt like our complete happily ever after is gone forever.

Six months since I learned the death of an animal can hurt as much as the death of a person.

Six months of wondering if I can ever handle getting another dog again.

Six months of always feeling like there's something missing in our lives.

Six months of it still hurting worse than I thought it would. 

Six months of missing my boy every single day.  

Not a great picture, but it's the last one I ever took of him before he left for the doctor:(
Mr. B, we were so lucky to be able to love you for four years.  You were the best boy ever.


  1. I'm so sorry! We have a bully too and just love him to pieces! They truly are the best dogs. Thinking of you!


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