What I Don't Miss

It's hard to admit, but I no longer have babies in the house anymore.  My tiny sweet girls have grown from squishy newborns to a toddler and preschooler.  

With every day that passes, we grow further away from the days of bottles, swaddling, and midnight feedings.  And I'll admit it, some days I get sad that all the baby days are over, really sad.  I mean who doesn't love tiny wrinkly baby feet?!?!  It's weird to know that chapter in our lives is over.

Veteran moms are always telling new moms to savor every single moment, even the bad ones, because they are all too fleeting.  And I stand behind this statement 1000%.  I could talk for days about all the precious moments, all the sweet little things I miss about having a snuggly little newborn.  How I do mourn those days a little.  

But if we can honest here, there are a few things I won't miss about the baby stage.  I loved every single thing about my sweet babes, but there were a few things I just didn't like. 

  • Never sleeping.  I loooove my sleep with a passion, so me and the two hour wake-ups every night for months and months just did not get along.  
  • Pumping.  Hated every.single.second.  I felt like a cow the whole time; there's just no getting around it.
  • Diaper blowouts
  • Washing bottles 1000x per day, all of them containing at least 10 different pieces
  • Lugging around a giant diaper bag filled with enough clothes and diapers to last at least a month
  • The infant car seat.  Sure it is a lifesaver when you have to transport a sleeping infant inside the house, but it was just so damn awkward and heavy!
  • Buying formula
  • Baby spit-up everywhere
  • Bibs and burp cloths.  Useful?  Yes. But really just another thing to wash and remember to put in the diaper bag.  
  • Breast pads and leaky boobs.
  • Attempting to dress my funky post-partum body. 
  • Trying to clip teeny tiny baby nails.

What are the things you don't miss about the newborn stage?


  1. I won't miss wearing nursing tanks/bras when I'm done nursing! My girls need a lift.

    I still have one more growing out of baby, but when she's done with diapers I'll give a sigh of relief. It is so liberating when they don't need diapers anymore.

    I won't miss baby food when she can start eating real food without gagging.

    I feel like as sad as I am when the kids leave a stage behind, the next one is always as good or better.

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  3. I have been reading awhile just never have commented. My kids are now 12 and 7 goodness I sound old. But the nails ugh and formula.

  4. Baby nails are the worst! I have to file my daughter's nails while she is sleeping! And I love that I don't have to carry that huge diaper bag around anymore. I only need a few things for her now! But I get to do it all over again in about 7 months so oh well!

  5. I know I'm mostly alone here, but I adore the baby stage. My babies slept, though, so I'm sure that skewed my opinion! I do have to admit, blowouts did suck!

  6. Humorous and honest post. I miss the baby days but only because darn it, M was the easiest baby ever.

    I'll have another one come July. I may feel differently then about it all. ;) Or maybe not.


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