A Girl and her Monkey

In her four years, Emmy never really had a traditional "lovie".  She gravitated way more towards tiny little plastic toys.  You would be amazed at the millions of little horses we have around the house, that she insists on bringing everywhere.  Stuffed animals sat unloved for months. 

But then came my little Charlie Bear.  And she just loves all things soft and squishy.  She will play with the plastic-y toys for a bit, but stuffed toys are her true love.  She has had a few favorites over the months, dragging them behind her by their ears and tails. 

Her current favorite, and has been so since Christmas, is a giants stuffed monkey my Grandma gave her.  Charlie sleeps with it, takes it in the car, and snuggles with it every chance she can get.  We do nothing and go no where without Mr. Monkey in tow!


  1. AH!! avrie is the SAME exact way with her kangaroo "kangy" i notice that the girls share a love for the tail on their animals... we actually JUST washed kangy last night, i was TERRIFIED she would disappear mid-washing, never to return again! we all survived.


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