A Girlie Tomboy

When you have daughters, you always wonder what kind of little girls will they grow up to be.  

Will they be musically inclined or work better with a paint brush.

Will they want to sit and read for hours or constantly be on the go with no rest in sight?

Will they sit and play tea party or will have to keep the calgary locksmith number on hand because they've locked you out of the house with one of their adventures.  

See with a little girl you can either get a typical "girlie girl" or one who is a little more tomboyish.

I feel very lucky, because my sweet Emmy?  Is a wonderful combination of both.  She wants to run and play in the dirt and mud one minute, and have a princess tea party with her dad the next.  I love getting to see both very distinct side of her.

But this past week?  It was girl central around here.  I swear she was walking around in a cloud of pink sparkles for days on end.  

There was nail polishing...

Obviously with pink sparkles

There was refusing to leave the house without the proper scarf accessory

Or just the right "bow-tique"

 There was more polishing...in a pink robe...obviously

And one simply cannot watch the Oscar Red Carpet without doing their own make-up.

As a girlie-girl myself, I soaked up every minute.  But what I love even more, is not know what this week will bring, what she'll want to do, what will tickle her fancy.  

I might just keep that locksmith calgary number on hand just in case things get a little crazier than expected;-) 


  1. I was just looking at my daughter last night wondering what kind of girl she is going to grow up and be. Is she going to be a tom boy or a girly girl? Only time will tell!

  2. my girlie is a girly girl but a daddys girl that will be rough and tough when need be!


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