Entertaining Kids during School Breaks

Emmy is on winter break from school all week, and girlfriend is devastated.  She does not understand why she can't still be with her teacher and friends all week.

It's been tough for me as well because although I love having her all to myself all day, she needs more than just hanging at home with Mommy all day.  And with the weather being downright frigid we can't exactly get out of the house much.

So I've been really stretching myself to try and come up with some super fun things for her to do.  We're planning a trip to the library, hopefully a school sponsored outing to a gymnastics center, and maybe a birthday party this weekend.  But she's most upset about missing the "classes" she has every day at school.

Since Mondays she has art class, we decided to re-create it as much as possible.  Skip made her a special smock out of one of his old shirts, and we set her up at the table with some water colors and horse pictures, obviously.  

It's so fun to see how well she sits there and carefully paints each picture!  It definitely killed some time, and now we have some new artwork to hang around the house!

What do you do with your kids when they're on vacation from school?


  1. We get together with friends! If her whole class is off I'll bet some of the other Moms are looking for things to do too!! Or inside play areas. Do you guys have any jumping places around you? Or the zoo? Just bundle, a lot of times the animals are more active when it's cooler! I do google searches for kid friendly things to do around my area! How close are you guys close to New York? I'll bet there is a ton of indoor stuff to do there! Just google! I'm actually pulling Preston for two weeks because we're going to Seattle to watch my niece while her nanny is gone, and I am so excited!! I've got lists of things to do and requested what they are doing at school so that Preston stays caught up! I figure take advantage before they start "real" school and they can't miss anything! Plus with new baby and kindergarten coming at the same time for Preston I want to take advantage of all the time we get together!

  2. We don't have to worry about this YET... But living in MN where snow is plentiful and a warm winter is rare, I will be in need of indoor activity ideas... enter your blog :)


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