Wanna Know a Secret?

Something about the impending spring {hopefully, yes, spring really is coming?} makes me itch to do some work around the house.  So the past few days have been filled with trips to Lowes and TJ Maxx, and dozens of things being changed around here.  Every time Skip gets home from work something is different.

But one of the favorite projects so far has been replacing my curtains in the bedroom.  We've had these red, plain, boring, really too small for these windows curtains since we first got married.  They worked great at the condo, but just weren't cutting it here.  And after years of just putting up with them, I was finally ready to do something about them.

But something you must know about me first, is that I'm one of the cheapest most frugal people you'll meet.  I rarely buy anything at retail value, and am always trying to find a way to do something for less

But after some marathon shopping and a lot of price comparison, I finally found something I really loved
Aren't they pretty?

They're a really great quality fabric, have some durability to them, and the pattern adds a pop of interest to the room.  But I did not spend a lot of money on them, and to me, that's the best part. 

So what's my secret?  How did I do it?

No, I didn't find some super secret sale.

No I didn't make them myself.

You want to know how I got new curtains and holders for my bedroom for only $30?  My super amazing decorating tip?

Shhhh.....come a little closer.  It'll be our little secret. 

They're really shower curtains. 

No really.  I swear!

And now that I've used them once, I kind of want to use them in all the windows of my house.  

I bought two shower curtains and some shower curtain holders {the ones that go all the way around and attach like a circle} and strung them up on a curtain rod!

So next time you're in the market for some curtains, don't bypass the bathroom section too quickly!  You might find exactly what you're looking for!!

What's your weirdest decorating tip?


  1. My Christmas tress skirt is a table cloth, $45 skirt or $10 table cloth...no brainer.

  2. We did this in the living room, and you can't tell the difference. Love it!

  3. absolutely genius my dear!!!! I love it!!! And you bet your butt I'm doing this with my guest room makeover this summer!! Great call!!! xoxox

  4. thats awesome!! i am starting to look into something new for around the main level of our house. i have read table cloths too- but that would involve a little bit of sewing and stitch work, thanks for sharing you secret! i know where i am headed tomorrow ;)


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