Miscellany Monday

I'm a big fan of these random Monday posts...might have to keep it a tradition every week. 

It is still winter.  We're supposed to get more snow today.  The girls' spring-y Easter dresses are going to look a little silly.  So who wants to tell me about Daytona Florida?  'Cause that's where we're moving.  

I have a serious obsession with this top from Old Navy.  It's sooo comfy .  I also have a blue and white stripped one, and may or may not have picked up a pink and grey striped one as well.  Clearly I have a problem.

Skip worked a double shift on Friday, and so it was just me and the girls all day/night.  We decided to have a movie night and watch Monsters, Inc.  And eat cookies of course.  I just love snuggling with them on the couch all night.  Definitely making this an every-Friday kind of thing! Though next week I should definitely add some popping corn to our menu!
 It was good our night was so relaxing, because this one gave me a run for my money all day. First she covered, and I mean covered herself in hummus...

And then she figured out how to take her pants off.  No pants Friday is totally normal right?

Thanks to my mom, Skip and I were actually able to go out for a date night on Saturday!!  We double dated with my baby sis and her husband, and we could not have had more fun.  We started the evening at this fabulous Italian restaurant...

 And ended it at this little French bakery we stumbled upon.  And yes this was just my dessert.  In case you we wondering, that eclair was filled with chocolate cream....absolute perfection.  

Since the girls didn't get to see Skip too much this weekend, they pretty much didn't want to leave his side last night...cutest thing ever.

 My brother-in-law has turned into somewhat of a baker these days.  Bagels, breads, garlic knots, and these amazing, made from scratch cinnamon rolls he dropped off for us last night. They are about the size of my hand and worth every calorie.  Move over Cinnabon.

Skip and I have finally been able to catch up on some of the Oscar-nominated movies.  Here's what we've watched in the past two weeks:
Argo - SO good.  Even though I know how it ends, it was so suspenseful.

Zero Dark Thirty - Definitely another must-see.  I loved Hurt Locker and so I had high hopes for this one as well.  Thankfully it did not disappoint.

Les Mis - I was so excited to see this, and yet a little apprehensive as well.  Everyone kept saying how wonderful it was, but since most of those people hadn't seen it on Broadway, and I have seen it twice, I wasn't sure I would feel the same as them.  I'm happy to report that I loved the movie...even Skip did too!  Was it better than seeing it on Broadway?  Absolutely not.  But it was a great second-best.  I thought Anne Hathaway did an amazing job {though since she was in it so little, I'm not sure how she won the Oscar}.  I don't understand why people thought Russel Crowe wasn't any good...I thought he was.  And Hugh Jackman totally got robbed at the Oscars {sorry Daniel Day Lewis}

Have you been catching up with any recent movies?  What have you been up to? 

Don't forget that this isn't the only place you can find me!  You can also see what I'm up to on:


  1. OMG those cinnamon rolls!!! YUMMM!! Glad you got to get out of the house for date night. Weather is the same here - snowing today...ugh I hate you winter.

  2. I'm so glad you had a great date night!
    I'm with you on moving to Florida. I'm so sick of this weather!
    I felt the same way about Les Mis. I had front row center seats to the Broadway production and nothing could compare to it, but the movie was a close second. It was a tear-jerker for sure! We loved Argo, too!

  3. i am a cronic 'buy one in every color' shopper! i bought three neon pop stitch tanks from old navy, each were only $5! love them!!!

    i am looking for you on IG right now! i am at ajsonnekmn ;)


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