My Firsts

I saw this on Katie's blog and I thought I'd join in...looks fun! 

1. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning. 
Put in my contacts, go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, make sure Emmy is up, change Charlie's diapers, then stumble downstairs where I make them breakfast and me coffee. 

2. First thing you do when you get home from work.
Well, since I no longer work outside the home, this one doesn't really apply to me.  Although when Skip is working the day shift and he gets home, normally around 3:30 or 4, I run to him, give him a big hug and kiss, and either run out the door to the gym, or hole myself up i the kitchen alone to make dinner.

3. First kiss.
With my first boyfriend Mike.  I had just turned 16 and it was behind a bowling alley...classy I know.

4. First home.
The first one Skip and I bought together was a tiny little one bedroom condo in the town he grew up in. 

5.  First car.
A '92 {I think} Chevy Lumina Minivan.  That may seem lame, but when you can comfortably fit seven people in your car and you're allergic to alcohol?  Everyone wants to be your best friend. \

6. First thing you wanted to be when you grew up.
A teacher and a mom.  Worked out pretty good:)

7. First choice beverage.
Diet Coke...always

8. First choice dessert.
Oh man, this is a hard one.  I love desserts.  I guess my top choice would be a  warm brownie sundae.  Or a chocolate fountain.  Or a really good cookie.
I have a problem.

9. First choice of a restaurant.
Something Italian...preferably with a really great view out the window

10. First song that comes to mind.
Nelly "Just a Dream"

11. First major purchase.
Skip's and my condo

12. First job.
Like ever?  I was a camp counselor at 14 for my town.  Then when I was 15 I started working year round at a school uniform store.

13. First time you flew on a plane.
I was about 4 months old I think?  My family went to St. Thomas

14. First real "big girl" job.
Fourth grade science and English teacher.

What are some of your firsts?  Share with me in the comments!!!




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