Worrying about Work

I'm a worrier.  Always have been.  And even worse than the simple act of worrying is the face that I worry about things so far in the future that there is no possible way I could do anything about them now.

Like I worry about whether or not the girls will get into the high school I went to. 

I worry they will want to go to college we won't be able to pay for.

I worry about Charlie only being able to go to preschool for one year before kindergarten with the new program Emmy's school has put into place.

But one of the things I worry about a lot recently is when I have to go back to work.

The plan Skip and I have always had is that I would stay home with our kids until the youngest, Charlie was either in first grade.  And while that's another four or five years away, I still stress about it. 

Before I had kids, I was a middle school science and English teacher.  It was not exactly what I thought I would be teaching, but I loved it.  Truly.  But part of the reason I loved teaching was because I loved kids.  But now I have my own.  And can I give all of my patience and energy to someone else's kids all day long, and still have enough left over for my own?  The appeal to teaching is that I would have the same schedule as the girls, as well as summers off.  Pretty tempting.

Ideally though, I think I'd really love to work from home.  I'd love the flexibility of being able to work my schedule around the girls.  I'd love to still be able to help out at their school and be there all the time for them.  As an English major who is also certified in teaching, I think I have the skills to expand to something outside of education.  But how many companies allow their employees to strictly telecommute these days?

My ideal would be to work for the USO from home, but I don't even know if that would be a possibility.

And if I wanted to do something other than teaching, what would I do with my kids when they have vacations or are off for the summer?

I know it's not really something I should worry about right now.  But the years seem to fly by faster and faster these days and it will be here before I know it .  {and yes, I would love to still stay home, but as we are set on sending the girls to Catholic schools, which are very pricey, I don't have an option to not work}

What about all of you.  Do you work?  Will you go back to work?  What will you do?  Help a girl out!

In the meantime I'll just be sitting here trying to figure out how I can start a small business web design company to make lots and lots of money from home.

Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored posts.  All thought and opinions are my own.


  1. I plan on mostly staying home even when we're done having kids and the youngest is in school. BUT that being said I want to do something. My Mom stayed home all through all of us and with my littlest sister in high school now she's thought about going back to something but after almost 26 years of being home she has no idea what and hate the idea of starting from nothing. So my plan is to finish school when my littlest starts school or sooner depending on how long they'll let me just hang onto the credits I already have because they are done and paid for and the idea of them just being lost makes me sick! :( But I'll finish getting my degree and since I really like math and numbers (I know that makes me weird!) I'm going to specialize in accounting. And then I'll work part time during tax season since a lot of companies hire on just for that time of year, so I'd work Jan-April. I'm with you on the breaks, even when you're kids are in school they still get school breaks and summer break and I hate the idea of not being home for that since my Mom always was and I think it's important! I figure this way I'm home when they need me and when they're home, I keep my foot in the door so that if I ever do want to go back full time when they're all full grown I've been doing something so I have somewhere to move forward from, and I can make some extra money so we can have fun during the summer or for big expenses since it seems like as kids get older they cost more! But I'm like you, I stress things WAY in the future. Things that I really don't need to worry about just yet! I just like to call it being prepared! :)

  2. I stayed home with Madison and loved it but when my hubby came home from deployment I realized I needed to get out of the house more so I went to work when she was nine months old and we seemed to do fine with the transition. I am now staying home again since Kennedy was born but I plan on going back to work when we move house which will be when she is one so I feel like I have spent enough time getting them in routines and loving on them but I have realized that I am the type of Mum who needs to get out and needs to work for my own identity so that I am a better parent for them : )

  3. i work from home and let me tell you... it is SO NOT easy! i spend a lot of time up late at night to work and also on the weekends... basically any down time i think i have really isn't down time, b/c i could/should be working!! haha

    but i do love the situation i am in and wouldn't change it for anything. i am just admitting that it's not easy.

    you will find the perfect fit for you when the time is ready. try not to worry TOO much about it just yet ;)


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