30 Miles in 30 Days - End of April recap

It's the end of April, and I'm linking up one last time with Nikki for the 30 Miles in 30 Days Challenge! 

This post covers all of the end of April, starting back on April 18th.  Nikki gave us a few extra days to get in more miles!

I didn't really push myself as much as I would have liked.  A lot of that had to do with my endoscopy and not feeling so great for a few days after.  Also, there were a lot of days that Skip was working so I had to fit in a workout at home, and couldn't run.

 So here's my breakdown for the rest of April:

Thursday 4/18 - 3 miles on the elliptical

Friday - 2 mile run

Saturday - Ab workout {no miles}

Sunday - Shred level 2 {no miles}

Monday - Kickboxing workout {no miles}

Tuesday - 2.5 mile run

Wednesday - 2 mile run

Thursday 4/25 - Endoscopy {no working out}

Friday - 2 mile run

Saturday - Ab workout {no miles}

Sunday - 2.5 mile walk

Monday  - Strength training {no miles}

Today - Now, I haven't worked out yet today, but I do plan on running or hitting the elliptical and squeezing in a few more miles!  But I'll just count what I have now.

Weekly mileage: 14 miles

April total: 56!!!!

I am really proud of myself for completing that many miles this month!  Had I been keeping track the past week, I would have pushed a little harder to reach 60 miles.  Hey, there's still time for me to get in 4 today! 

I'm also pleased that I made a commitment to working out every day in April and only missed TWO days!  The day of my endoscopy {obviously} and the day I was down in South Jersey for the day.  By the time I came home I had a massive headache and just couldn't. 

Nikki says we're doing this challenge again in May.  I'll definitely be signing up to see if I can beat this month's miles.  Come join in and see how many miles you can log!!


  1. OH my gosh you are awesome.. I love logging miles... while 3 miles doesnt feel like at lot when you are doing it, to see how much you did in a month always feels great!

  2. You did awesome!!! You're definitely an inspiration for me to push harder in May! Can't wait to see how you do for May!

  3. YOU KILLLLLLLLED IT!!! you inspire me!


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