A Day at Chuck E Cheese

I simply love watching Emmy interact with her little friends from school.  It is so cute to hear their little conversations and the way they play together. 

We obviously don't get to see too much while she's at school, but we've been lucky enough to go to a few birthday parties for her friends.  And those are simply precious.  A few weekends ago, Emmy had one of these parties to attend.  I was off for the day with my Marine's Girls, so Skip just took her.  The party was at a local Chuck E Cheese, and Emmy was beyond excited since she'd been there once before.

Even though I didn't get to witness her running around with her little buddies, Skip kept me up to date with a whole bunch of pictures.  I'm so happy I got to see the joy on her face!!

OMG She's eating pizza!!!

I think we all want to make this face when we're eating cake 


  1. I know some people are skeeved out by CEC but we LOVE it! We go about once a month. KP has so much fun! In fact, we are going to be having her bday there this year!

  2. We love CEC! We're there a couple of times a month in the winter! It's nice in the middle of the day because it's so empty so the kids have it mostly to their place! And call me crazy but I really like their salad bar and pizza! LOL!


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