At the Table

As I've mentioned on here several times before, Skip has a strange schedule.  He works rotating shifts, so one week he'll be working in the morning, and the next week he'll be on nights.  The whole thing is pretty confusing, but actually works out pretty nice for our family.

I do miss that we can't sit down to dinner as a family every night with Skip.  But that doesn't stop the girls and I from doing it.  Sure, most of those nights dinner consists of leftovers or cereal.  But it's not as much about what we're eating but just sitting down spending time together. 

I love that I get this time with the girls...just me and my little ladies.  I love hearing what they have to say.  I love the way Emmy really takes care of her sister.  And they're at least contained to one spot which helps :)

I do feel bad for Skip though, that he has to miss out on these little moments with the girls, sharing a meal with him.  But thankfully we live in such a technological world, that I'm able to share this time with his as well.  I've taken a few videos, which I really should do more often, but more than that I take lots and lots of pictures.   I love texting them to Skip or sharing them with him when he gets home.

He might not be there sitting at the head of the table with us, but we definitely try to include him as much as possible!

I will hold on to these precious moments when the girls are teenagers and I practically have to beg them to come eat with me.


  1. Awesome post! I can relate. My dad worked third shift my whole childhood and now I'm married to a man who is in the military and always gone. I will always remember these moments since it won't be long before I'm begging the kids to hang out with me

  2. Hi Mandy! New to your blog and see that you're a LEO wife. Me too! :) Anyway, your daughters are just adorable and I can't wait to look around your blog some more. I'm your newest follower (and fan!) and I hope you'll stop by and follow back!

  3. i love being able to take pics all throughout the day and showing them to aaron at night or after he is home from work.

  4. Love this post. So special for you and your girls. :)


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