Nuby Tub Time Turtle Review

I don't know about your kids, but my girls absolutely love bath time.  And since we bathe them at the same time now, it's like a splash party constantly. 

Skip and I are always on the look out for a new fun toy for them to play with while they soak, so I was so excited to receive the Nuby Tub Time Turtle.  It is one of their new toys!

According to Nuby, the Tub Time Turtle "is another fun and interactive bath time toy from Nuby.  Tub Time Turtle floats on the water's surface so it is always within easy reach.  Lift Tub Time Turtle out of the water to experience waterfall fun!"

This bright-colored toy is such a great addition to the girls bath time experience.  It is whimsical and durable.  It has been tossed around our tub with less than gentle care and shows only a slight show of wear and tear in the coloring. 

It does in fact float on top of the water, and the waterfall effect is not only fun, but practical too!  The girls take turns rinsing each other off with it.  Definitely a win-win in my book!

Want to buy your own Nuby Tub Time Turtle?  You can purchase it at the following retailers:

Also, make sure you are following Nuby at the following locations!  You don't want to miss out on any of their great contests and giveaways!

Disclaimer: As a Nuby Mommy Blogger, I received this item free of charge in order to complete my review.  All thoughts, opinions, and pictures are my own.


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