Random Musings

It's Monday...raining...chilly...and I've been solo parenting all weekend....so a list is all you're getting today

- So I'm all recovered from my endoscopy, well almost.  The actually procedure was so much easier than I thought it would be.  But my throat has been on fire for the past few days.  Doc says that's normal up to a week though...awesome.

- My doc said everything looked good, but they did take one biopsy.  I swear there are few things in the world that can strike such fear in a person in just a single word.  Biopsy being one of them.  I get my results in about a week.  Fingers crossed

- I had to fast before my procedure.  So obviously I was dreaming up all the different food I wanted once it was done.  After much deliberating, I finally decided on ribs and onion rings...you know, the perfect post-endoscopy treat.  I'm an idiot sometimes.

- We're going to be doing some re-configuring of things around the house coming up soon, so I spend most of my days mentally rearranging things.  I'm trying to do this all as easily and cheaply as possible.  I may lose my mind in the process.

- Four weeks today Skip and I will be lying on a beach in California.  Four days in one of my favorite states with my man and some of our best friends, sans kids.  I.cannot.wait.

- And I am focusing on the fact that I'm so excited so I don't totally freak out that omg I'm leaving my babies for four days and flying across the country.  

- Emmy renamed half the icons on our computer.  I have no idea how she pulled that one off.  

- Even though it's still on the chillier side most days, and all I want to do is wear my sweats, I have been trying to branch out and really make an effort in the morning.

- This obviously has nothing to do with the fact that I got a hole in my favorite yoga pants and their replacement hasn't arrived yet.  

- Charlie's second birthday is in only a few weeks!!  I should really get moving on planning that.

- Every day I wake up and say this is the day I'm going to eat really healthy.  And every day I eat some form of chocolate in the morning and laugh and how I ever thought I could start to like vegetables.  

- Emmy has legit been sobbing the past two mornings when Skip goes to work.  He was gone all day for a bachelor party Saturday, and had to work a double shift yesterday.  Girl is dying for some daddy time tonight.

- There is all sorts of running going on over here recently.  Which is good because I signed up to do a Color Run in Brooklyn in September.  I'm so excited!
I do hate running up the hills in my neighborhood though

- My kid was literally licking her plate clean the other day.  God I love her.

- Of course she then refused to eat anything for the next two days....toddlers.

- Speaking of Charlie, girl has hit the terrible twos hard.  I'm not sure if either of us is going to survive.  

Alright, I'm off to get a few things done before I get to go see Emmy's class science fair today.  I'm so excited!

Hope you all survive this dreary Monday!


  1. Fingers crossed for your biopsy! Prayers & hugs! I bet you are sooooo excited for your vacay - I need to plan one too.

  2. A few days on the beach without kids sounds perfect to me, enjoy every minute of it when it gets here, the girls will be fine!

  3. Definite fingers crossed for your biopsy!!!

  4. I gotta get my butt back on Twitter. I miss everything, including your biopsy. Four more weeks of work. I think I can. Praying for good results for you!

  5. i also signed up for the color run in july here in MN.

    its so hard when the toddler wont eat! i cant stand it. ;)


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