Taking a Breath

Emmy had been getting better about coming into our room at night to sleep recently, but this week she's reverting back a bit.  Normally it's not too bad, but Monday night, I was just drained.  I had worked out hard, got a lot of fresh air, and was feeling an overwhelming sadness over the horrific bombing in Boston.

Skip and I headed up to bed a little after 11:00pm {which is actually pretty early for us} I can never seem to turn my brain off right away, so it was just after midnight before I drifted off.  I woke up about 20 minutes later when Emmy came in.  I thought she would just curl up and go back to sleep, like she normally does....but Emmy had other ideas.

Two hours later she had gone to get a drink, gone to the bathroom, gotten a few more toys from her room, taken off her pj pants cause she was too hot, and kicked my in the kidneys about 1,000 times. 

I was so tired.  I knew our alarm would be going off to get up in only four hours.  It was easy to get frustrated with her.  I was tired, sore, cranky, and she just would.not.go.to.sleep.

But then I remembered the horror that had taken place in Boston....I remembered just how short life is, how it can all change in an instant.  I remembered that she will not be little like this for much longer.

You see, it's easy to remember these things when your children are being sweet little angels.  It is so much harder when you are sleep deprived and quickly running out of patience. 

But I took a deep breath, and then another.  I focused on her sweet little arm curled around my neck.  I kissed her cheek, telling her I loved her.  I snuggled up next to her warm little body, breathing in that crayon-y, Goldfish cracker smell of preschoolers.

In that moment, I finally felt peace, and she must have felt it too, because we both drifted off to sleep.

This parenting thing?  It's hard...even on a good day.  And the tough days?  Even harder to get through.  But slowing day, taking a breath, focusing on the small, wonderful moments?

Makes it all worthwhile


  1. I just adore this post. How sweet and beautiful.

  2. i love it. we all need little reminders to just breathe.


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