The Strength to Go On

I have yet to blog about the horrible acts that took place in Boston last Monday.  Mainly because I can't wrap my mind around it yet.

The world has become a scary scary place.  Bombings, plant explosions, manhunts, cities being shut down....all in a week.

It's all too much sometimes. 

We all have personal battles that seem hard to bear sometimes, and then it seems as though the world is crashing down around us.

But every day we get up, we get dressed, we go through the motions.  We might be a little more cautious, a little more scared, a little sadder.  But still we go on.  We don't always want to, but we do.

We put one foot in front of the other and somehow make it through another minute, another hour, another day. 

We'll never be the same again, but we do, somehow, find the strength to go on.

I leave you now with two quotes I found on Pinterest that really help during the hard times.  It's something we call all take a moment to remember today.

Boston and Texas, know that we are with you, and as NYC did after 9-11, you will somehow find the strength to go on. 


  1. This sounds ridiculous, and IS, in light of what has happened this week...but I totally relate to those quotes because of my job. Granted, it hasn't been life-threatening but it's been a pretty awful year for me. And now that I see the light at the end of the tunnel (four more Mondays, holllaaa), I'm know that I'm stronger and better for it. I pray that God comes in so close to all those affected by the recent tragedies and that one day, they feel stronger for what they've been through too.


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