What Skip Says About Me

I am so excited that Becky is having this link-up today! 

I've been wanting Skip to do a guest post on here for a while, but he could never figure out what to write about...so this is just perfect!  So without further ado here is the very first blog post by my man Skipper:)

Hello ladies! (and random guy who googled "how to clean grout")
I have been told that my task today is to share something with the blog community that NOBODY knows about Mandy.  Now, I thought long and hard about this and I realized that while you all know her as Mommy Mandy, the beautiful, thoughtful, warm hearted, loving mother, and devoted wife... there is something she does not share on her blog.  Through the process of thinking up a topic that has to do with her blog, carefully crafting her words, editing and then re-editing her posts, and then finally posting, the dialogue and narrative of her blog does not truly represent her... shall we say, actual speaking voice.  For you see, good people of the Internet, Mommy Mandy is in actuality
a potty mouth.

Oh yeah, big time cuss'r.  Now, I will say with 100% complete honesty that she NEVER swears around our children and I will also say that if I swear but we're in public, I can see that it makes her slightly uncomfortable.  I suppose she was raised that swearing is not lady like, and you can't be a Mommy or a Mandy without being a lady.  But when its just me and her and our kids are asleep and we're just catching up on our day or watching TV, she will drop a plethora of 4 letter words that would make this guy...
slightly uncomfortable.
 It's true people.  I apologize now if I have shattered any of your preconceived notions of Miss Mandy.  Now, as I said before, my wife is a lady FIRST!  She treats everyone she meets with kindness, respect, and dignity.  She's an educated women!  A former teacher!  There is a staggering amount of literature in our house that I have read NONE of!  It's all hers. She's extremely well read in fiction, true life, the classics.  Her vocabulary would be the envy of any high school student on the verge of their SAT exam.  But, at the end of the day, when the errands are ran, and the babes are sleeping, and the world is quiet and good... I suppose you just have to drop an "F-Bomb"

When the time comes that our girls are both in school and Mandy has more time in her day to return to the work force, perhaps instead of teaching she could pursue another line of work...
If her "sea legs" fail her, then maybe she would be better suited for
 the open road.

Well, there you have it.  Mommy Mandy's deep, dark secret.  Obviously I have a bias and feel duty bound to defend my wife and perhaps sugar coat this post, but here's the thing people, I'm a Marine.  Swearing is kind of... our thing.  So all I can say is that I wouldn't have her any other way.


  1. Fabulous! I think I see another blogger in the family emerging.....

  2. Haha this is hilarious! I have a pretty big potty mouth as well. Can't help it. I get it from my Dad!

  3. I am cracking up over here. Hilarious!

    And, my husband could've written this. I'm the same. ;)

  4. So glad I found your blog! I look forward to following along!

  5. This is awesome. I have a potty mouth too. Haha.

  6. hahahahahaha. i LOVE this.
    i am DEFINITELY the same. bad potty mouth, bad.

  7. Hilarious! I love how he did this :) Found you in the link up!


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