A Day in the Life

I just love reading about "A Day in the Life" posts of other people, so I decided to one of my own.  I have to say while it was a little tough remembering to constantly take pictures, it was so fun to document the entire day.  I definitely want to do this a little more often {not for the blog but more to remember what I did with the girls}

A Day in the Life of Mommy Mandy - Friday May 17, 2013
I have about 4 alarms that go off between 6:00 and 6:30.  I really love the snooze button.

Get the girls dressed.

Give them some milk and breakfast.

Drink lots of coffee.

Get myself dressed.

Ignore Charlie's tantrum over the bagel I gave her for breakfast.

Get the girls loaded up and take Emmy to school. {They hold hands every morning now...I melt.}

Charlie and I head to CVS to pick up some things for our trip to CA next week.

Come home and pay bills since it's payday!

Take a whole bunch of pictures of Charlie because she looks ridiculously adorable with her hair in a baby bun.

Browse Pinterest for some recipe ideas.  I have to bring a dessert to my friend's house later.

Change into my workout clothes and go on a 45 minute walk with Charlie.

Come home and get back into my "appropriate for the outside world" clothes.

Head to the grocery store to pick up some brownie mix for my party tonight.

Grab a sandwich from the supermarket as well and eat it at 11:00.  Morning workouts make me hungry!!

Play Doc McStuffins with this cutie.

Charlie and I get back in the car to go pick up Emmy from school.

Hit up Wendy's because it's Friday and been a long week.

Come home and feed the girls lunch.

Take a minute to load and run the dishwasher.

Enjoy some of my fountain soda...nectar of the gods.

Facetime with my mom from England!

Skip gets home early from the range!!

Put the girls down for naps.

Emmy got up before Charlie so while Skip was also napping, we had a little girlie time.  Home-pedicures for the win!

Send texts to my baby sister {people used to think we were twins so we dubbed ourselves Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  She's Mary-Kate and I'm Ashley obviously}

Lay down and take a 20 minute power nap.

Complain about how I want to keep sleeping.

Watch Skip play outside for a few minutes before slaving away in the kitchen.

Make dinner {grilled chicken and tortellini with vodka sauce} while simultaneously making brownies.

Sit down and eat as a family.

I had to drop something off for my sister at my parent's house {which is just three blocks from me} so we took a little after-dinner walk.

Stop to pick some wishing flowers.

Get the girls settled on the couch with Skip for Friday movie night. {Toy Story 2}

Rush upstairs to quick shower and get ready to go to my friend's house.

Come downstairs for lots of snuggles and kisses with my girls before I leave.

Head out for some adult fun!

We had a dinner-making/video game party.
Good food and great friends!

Come home, hang out with Skip a bit and hit the sheets around 2:00am. 

Phew! Everyday obviously doesn't look like this, but Friday was such a good, fun day...I'm glad I caught every moment!

What does a typical day look like for you?


  1. This looks so fun but made me tired just reading it! No wonder you needed a nap :)

  2. This looks so fun but made me tired just reading it! No wonder you needed a nap :)

  3. That dinner looks amazing! And you are way better than me. I stay in my workout clothes all day even if I have to go out in public. And even if I haven't worked out lol

  4. such a busy day!! I'm the same way with my alarms. Seven go off between 5 and 630am. Mama loves her snooze button!


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