But Still I Worry

Skip and I are leaving tomorrow {on a jet plane!} for California.  My cousin is getting married on Tuesday and I could not be more excited to celebrate his special day with him.

But if I'm being honest with you all.  I'm freakin' out a little.  I've never been away from the girls for this long....and I've never been this far away from them.  You know, a whole plane ride away...like thousands of miles away.

I'm not worried about them...my parents are watching them here.  So I know they'll be safe, happy, and very well taken care of.  They'll miss me, though I hope not too much.  They love my parents and I'm happy for all of them to have this special time together. 

But don't worry, I'm leaving them little presents to open every day we're gone, just in case.

And I really am excited, thrilled to be taking this time away with Skip.  We haven't been on a vacation alone together since we went to Paris together...in 2008...when I was 10 weeks pregnant with Emmy

I think it's so important to spend time with your husband, especially once you have kids.  I'm excited to just be with Skip, laughing and having time together.  We're getting to spend some time with family and really great friends.  AND WE CAN SLEEP IN:)  It will be so fun, relaxing, and we'll come home refreshed and rejuvenated.

So what's the problem?  Why am I stressing this all so much?  It all sounds like a win/win for everyone.  But still I'm nervous.  It probably has a little to do with the slight anxiety problem I have.  But still, I'm nervous.  I'm worried I won't get all the packing, cleaning, note-writing done that I have to do.  I'm worried I'll forget to do something big.  I'm worried I'll miss the girls too much and won't be able to handle being away from them for that long.  I'm worried our travelling won't go smoothly.  I'm worried our flight will get cancelled, our rental car reservation will get messed up, or our hotel won't be ready for us. 

But most of all, and this I don't even want to think about, I'm worried something will happen to Skip and I.  It's a scary, scary world we live in.  Bad things happen to good people all the time.  And I really, really don't want something bad to happen to us. 

I know this is all silly.  I'll get everything done.  Our travelling may not go smoothly, but we'll figure it out.  We'll miss the girls and they'll miss us, but we'll all get through it.  I'm sure nothing bad will happen to us.  I'm sure we'll have a wonderful, amazing time. 

But still I worry.

Is this normal or am I a total freak?

Also, I've got a few posts scheduled for while I'm gone, so make sure to keep checking back as I doubt I'll be on social media much at all!


  1. I wrote almost this exact post last week before Andy and I went to Mexico. You are not crazy, it's just your unconditional love for your children shining through. Everything will be fine once you actually get there. You'll take a deep breath and be like, ok I can do this. It helped me that we Skyped/facetimed with Kennedy everyday that we were gone. You and Skip will enjoy your alone time to just enjoy eachother again. And all will go right back to normal the second you step back off the plane home. Try not to worry(I know easier said than done) and have a great time, you guys deserve it.


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