Thirty Miles in Thirty Days

Time for another week with Nikki for 30 miles in 30 days!!

Thursday May 16 - 2 mile run

Friday - 2 mile walk

Saturday - Nothing

Sunday - Ripped in 30 level 2 {no miles}

Monday - Pushup and ab workouts {no miles}

Tuesday - Pushup and ab workouts {no miles}

Wednesday - 3.1 mile run

Weekly total: 7.1 miles

Monthly total: 39.1

I'm really disappointed with my total this week, but what can you do.  I've been sick, suffering from bad allergies and have had a lot on my plate.  I just have not been making workouts a priority.  And unfortunately I know it's not going to get better this next week since we'll be away for most of it.  I hope you've all been doing much better than I have!

Hope you're all logging lots of miles so far this month!  Go link up with Nikki and boast your stats!


  1. Mama- you are amazing and this is sooo much better than what I have accomplished this week so hugs and a big old high five for kicking ass! Love ya! Happy MDW! Xo

  2. Mandy you should be proud of yourself because you are doing awesome!!!! You are over the goal and such an inspriation!

  3. You are doing amazing!! Keep it up girl.


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