Today We are Blessed

I am so excited to be spending the day in Malibu today witnessing the marriage of my oldest cousin and his fiance.


Almost 11 years ago to the day, I sat in the hot beating sun and my cousin's West Point graduation.  President Bush was the speaker that day.  He spoke of the current war in Afghanistan, and the pending war in Iraq.  A war these men and women would be spearheading.

I looked out over the cadets, tears in my eyes, wondering who would come home and who would not.  Who would get to live a long full life?  Who would get married, have kids, and grow old with the one they loved?

Sadly, I know that not everyone from that class came home.  Not everyone will get to live out their dreams.

But I get to watch my cousin live out his.  And for that I am blessed.


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