30 Miles in 30 Days

Another week with Manda linking up our miles for June!

This week wasn't terrible, but it wasn't my best either.  I didn't feel that great last week, so I took some days off.  Hoping to finish out really strong for the next few days of June!

Here's the breakdown:
Thursday June 20 - none
Friday - none
Saturday - none
Sunday - 3 mile walk
Monday - 2.2 mile run
Tuesday - 3.1 mile run
Wednesday - none

Weekly total: 8.3 miles
Monthly total: 36.6 miles

I'm definitely not making it to 50 miles in June...but at least 40 is doable!

Go link up with Manda and join in the fun!
Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie


  1. You did awesome! It seems like June got away from everyone though. Hopefully we can all hit our goals in July!

  2. You are KNOCKING these miles out! Climbing to 40. Nice!! Do you walk/run inside and outside?


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