30 Miles in 30 Days

Another week with Manda linking up our miles for June!

I did not get in any workouts at the beginning of the week.  This was because I was getting ready for Charlie's party, and then we had Father's Day and my grandma's 90th birthday.  I'm sure I could have fit in something, but I just didn't want to.  I do feel pretty good about the workouts I got in though!

Here's the breakdown:
Thursday June 13 - Power yoga (no miles}
Friday - none
Saturday - none
Sunday - none
Monday - 2.5 mile run
Tuesday - 3.1 mile elliptical / 3 mile bike
Wednesday - 2.6 mile run/walk

Weekly total: 11.2 miles
Monthly total: 28.3 miles

I'm not so sure I'll be able to get in 50 miles in June:(  But I'm still going to do what I can!

Go link up with Manda and join in the fun!
Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie


  1. It sounds like life has gotten in the way of a lot of our personal goals. I know there's a few of us who were aiming for something higher than 30. You're doing great! Keep it up! You'll definitely be surpassing the 30 mark!

  2. You're doing amazing! Especially for everything you have going on! Keep up the great work!


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